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Papers in proceedings
- T. Kajiyama, Davide D’Alimonte and J.~C. Cunha, A statistical approach to performance tuning of {Monte Carlo} ocean color simulations, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies 2012, Beijing, China, December 2012.

- Ana Paula Banza, Irene Rodrigues, José Saias and Filomena Gonçalves, AN HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS CORPUS (Centuries XVI-XIX), proceedings of the International Conference on Historical Corpora 2012, Organised by LOEWE Priority Program, December 2012.

- Prakash Poudyal and Paulo Quaresma, An hybrid approach for legal information extraction, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, To be published by IOS Press., December 2012.

- Ana Paula Silva,, Arlindo Silva and Irene Rodrigues, BioPOS: Biologically Inspired Algorithms for POS Tagging, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Optimization Techniques for Language Technology, December 2012.

- Adam Wyner, Johan Bos, Valerio Basile and Paulo Quaresma, On Natural Language Processing of Laws, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Amsterdam, Netherlands, To be published by IOS Press., December 2012.

- Luís Moniz Pereira and Ari Saptawijaya, Abductive Logic Programming with Tabled Abduction, in: Herwig Mannaert et al. (eds), ICSEA 2012: The Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA, ThinkMind,, Vol. ICSEA 2012, ISBN 978-1-61208-230-1, Pag. 548-556, (url),, November 2012.

- Carlos Viegas Damásio, Anastasia Analyti and Grigoris Antoniou, Provenance for SPARQL Queries, The Semantic Web - ISWC 2012 - 11th International Semantic Web Conference, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Boston, MA, USA, Vol. 7649, ISBN 978-3-642-35175-4, Pag. 625-640, (url), November 2012.

- Paulo Quaresma, Reorganização da Oferta Formativa da Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Évora, Proceedings of the "2ª Conferência do Fórum da Gestão do Ensino Superior nos Países e Regiões de Língua Portuguesa, Macau, To be published., November 2012.

- Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto, Examining the Plausible Side-Effects of Abduction, in: Olga Pombo et al. (eds), Intl. Symp. on Epistemology, Logic and Language (ISELL2012), Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa,, Vol. ISELL2012, Pag. 20-21, (url),, October 2012.

- Ana Paula Silva, Arlindo Silva and Irene Rodrigues, Tagging with disambiguation rules, A new evolutionary approach to the part-of-speech tagging problem, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, October 2012.

- Nuno Datia and João Moura Pires, Agrupamento de Memórias Utilizando Generalização de Conceitos, Inforum 2012, September 2012.

- Bruno Faustino and João Moura Pires, Implementação Eficiente do Shared Nearest Neighbour em Dados Espaciais, Inforum 2012, September 2012.

- Dora Melo, Irene Rodrigues and Vitor Nogueira, Um Sistema de Pergunta-Resposta para Ontologias OWL, INForum 2012 - Simpósio de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, September 2012.

- Manuel Santos, Ricardo Filipe Silva and João Moura Pires, Visualização Cartográfica Assistida num Ambiente SOLAP, INForum 2012, September 2012.

- Susana Nascimento, Trevor Fenner and Boris Mirkin, Representing Research Activities in a Hierarchical Ontology, in: Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis and Vasile Palade (eds), Procs. of the Third International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications (CIMA), Pag. 23-29, August 2012.

- Richard Booth, Eduardo Fermé and Sébastien Konieczny, “Credibility Limited Revision Operators in Propositional Logic”, in: Ramón Pino Perez (eds), Proceeding KR 2012, Pag. 116-125, June 2012.

- Luís Moniz Pereira, Complex Networks of Mindful Entities, Extended abstracts. Model-Based Reasoning 2012. ITALY, MODEL-BASED REASONING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, University of Pavia,, Vol. 2012, Pag. 19, (url),, June 2012.

- Han The Anh, Luís Moniz Pereira and Francisco C. Santos, Intention Recognition, Commitment and the Evolution of Cooperation, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2012),, IEEE,, Vol. IEEE WCCI 2012, ISBN 9781467315104, Pag. 1-8, (url), Congress site:, June 2012.

- Han The Anh, Luís Moniz Pereira and Francisco C. Santos, The Emergence of Commitments and Cooperation, in: V. Conitzer and et al. (eds), Intl. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), AAMAS, ACM, Vol., (url), forthcoming 2012, June 2012.

- Paulo Quaresma, Legal Information Extraction $\leftarrow$ Machine Learning Algorithms $+$ Linguistic Information, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on "Semantic Processing of Legal Texts" (SPLeT) at the LREC - International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istambul, Turkey, May 2012.

- Maribel Yasmina Santos, Joaquim Silva, João Moura Pires and Monica Wachowicz, Automated Traffic Route Identification through the Shared Nearest Neighbour Algorithm, 15h AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences, Springer, April 2012.

- Ricardo Filipe Silva, Information Overload Problem in Decision Making: The Important Relies on Changes, in: Hardy Pundt and Lars Bernard (eds), Proceedings 1st AGILE PhD School, ISBN 978-3-8440-0873-9, Pag. 29-37, (url), March 2012.

- Han The Anh, Ari Saptawijaya and Luís Moniz Pereira, Moral Reasoning Under Uncertainty, in: Nikolaj Bjørner and Andrei Voronkov (eds), Intl. Conf. on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-18), LNAI, Springer,, (url), forthcoming 2012, March 2012.

- Fábio Madeira and Ludwig Krippahl, PYCOEVOL: A Python workflow to study protein-protein coevolution, in: Jan Schier (eds), BIOSTEC 2012: 5th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOINFORMATICS 2012: International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms - Proceedings, INSTICC Press, Pag. 143-149, February 2012.

- Luís Baptista and Francisco Azevedo, A heuristic based on domain-splitting nogoods from restarts, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Cross-Fertilization Between CSP and SAT (CSPSAT 2012), Pag. 10 pages, 2012.

- Filipe Madeira, Rui Quaresma and Salvador Abreu, A Hybrid Recommender Strategy on an Expanded Content Manager in Formal Learning, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2012), IATED, Madrid, Spain, 2012.

- Alfredo Gabaldon, A Selective Semantics for Logic Programs with Preferences, 13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'12), LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 7519, ISBN 978-3-642-33352-1, Pag. 215-227, 2012.

- Martin Slota and João Alexandre Leite, A Unifying Perspective on Knowledge Updates, Logics in Artificial Intelligence - 13th European Conference, JELIA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-33352-1, Pag. 372-384, (url), 2012.

- R. Gonçalves and José Júlio Alferes, An Embedding of Input-Output Logic in Deontic Logic Programs, in: Thomas {\AA}gotnes, Jan Broersen and Dag Elgesem (eds), Deontic Logic in Computer Science - 11th International Conference, DEON 2012, Bergen, Norway, July 16-18, 2012. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 7393, Pag. 61-75, 2012.

- Jesse Alama, Daniel Kühlwein and Josef Urban, Automated and human proofs in general mathematics: An initial comparison, in: Nikolaj Bjørner and Andrei Voronkov (eds), Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 7180, Pag. 37-45, 2012.

- Viktoriia Kozyreva and Gregory Wheeler, Belief Contraction Through Safe Formulas, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies, (CSIT 2012), 2012.

- Daniel Diaz, Florian Richoux, Philippe Codognet, Yves Caniou and Salvador Abreu, Constraint-Based Local Search for the Costas Array Problem, Learning and Intelligent Optimization - 6th International Conference, LION 6, LNCS, Springer, Vol. 7219, Pag. 378-383, 2012.

- Jesse Alama, Lionel Mamane and Josef Urban, Dependencies in formal mathematics: Applications and extraction for Coq and Mizar, in: Johan Jeuring, John A Campbell, Jacques Carette, Gabriel Reis, Petr Sojka and Makarius Wenzel (eds), Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 7362, Pag. 1-16, 2012.

- José Saias and Paulo Quaresma, DI@UE in CLEF2012: Question Answering Approach to the Multiple Choice QA4MRE Challenge, in: Pamela Forner, Jussi Karlgren and Christa Womser-Hacker (eds), CLEF (Online Working Notes/Labs/Workshop), ISBN 978-88-904810-3-1, 2012.

- Leila Weitzel, Paulo Quaresma and José Palazzo M. de Oliveira, Evaluating Quality of Health Information Sources, in: Leonard Barolli, Tomoya Enokido, Fatos Xhafa and Makoto Takizawa (eds), IEEE 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA, 2012 , Fukuoka, Japan, March 26-29, 2012, IEEE, Pag. 655-662, 2012.

- Jorge M. Pacheco, Francisco C. Santos, Max O. Souza and Brian Skyrms, Evolutionary dynamics of collective action, Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2011: Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, MIT Press, 2012.

- João Gomes-Mota, Luís Campos Pinto, Francisco Azevedo and Ana Brantes, How environmental factors impact line performance, field results from Southwest Europe, in: Maurizio Caciotta (eds), Proceedings of 11th EEIC Conference (EEEIC 2012), IEEE, ISBN 978-1-4577-1828-1, Pag. 1047-1052, IEEE Conference Record #19763, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1251I-CDR, paper #315. doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2012.6221535, 2012.

- João Gomes-Mota, Francisco Azevedo, Luís Campos Pinto and Jorge Casaca, Long term assessment of critical factors affecting the reliability of transmission grids, in: Carlo Carraro (eds), Proceedings of 12th IAEE European Energy Conference (IAEEU 2012), Pag. 12 pages, 2012.

- L. Weitzel, Paulo Quaresma and J. Palazzo Oliveira, Measuring node importance on Twitter microblogging, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, WIMS '12, ACM, New York, NY, USA, ISBN 978-1-4503-0915-8, Pag. 11:1-11:7, (url), 2012.

- Martin Homola, Matthias Knorr, João Alexandre Leite and Martin Slota, MKNF Knowledge Bases in Multi-Context Systems, Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems - 13th International Workshop, CLIMA XIII, Montpellier, France, August 2012, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-32896-1, Pag. 146-162, (url), 2012.

- Czeslaw Bylinski and Jesse Alama, New developments in parsing Mizar, in: Johan Jeuring, John A Campbell, Jacques Carette, Gabriel Reis, Petr Sojka and Makarius Wenzel (eds), Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 7362, Pag. 427-431, 2012.

- Marco Alberti, Ana Sofia Gomes, R. Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr, João Alexandre Leite and Martin Slota, Normative systems require hybrid knowledge bases, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, June 4-8, 2012, IFAAMAS, Pag. 1425-1426, (url), 2012.

- Francisco Azevedo, João Gomes-Mota, Luís Campos Pinto, Nélio Machado and Susana de Almeida de Graaff, OHL Assessment and Risk Evaluation Based on Environmental and Inspection Data, 2012 CIGRÉ Canada Conference, Pag. 8 pages, (url), CIGRÉ-119 paper, 2012.

- Daniel Diaz, Florian Richoux, Yves Caniou, Philippe Codognet and Salvador Abreu, Parallel Local Search for the Costas Array Problem, 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops {&} PhD Forum, IPDPS 2012, IEEE Computer Society, Pag. 1793-1802, 2012.

- Rui Machado, Salvador Abreu and Daniel Diaz, Parallel Local Search: Experiments with a PGAS-based Programming Model (extended abstract), in: Roberto Bagnara and Nikos Angelopoulos (eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and LOgic Programming Systems - CICLOPS 2012, Budapest University Press, 2012.

- Yves Caniou, Daniel Diaz, Florian Richoux, Philippe Codognet and Salvador Abreu, Performance analysis of parallel constraint-based local search, Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, PPOPP 2012, ACM, 2012.

- Dora Melo, Irene Rodrigues and Vitor Nogueira, Puzzle Out the Semantic Web Search, in: Alexander F. Gelbukh (eds), Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing - 13th International Conference, CICLing 2012, New Delhi, India, March 11-17, 2012, Complementary Proceedings, 2012.

- Matthias Knorr, David Carral Martínez, Pascal Hitzler, Adila Alfa Krisnadhi, Frederick Maier and Cong Wang, Recent Advances in Integrating OWL and Rules (Technical Communication), in: Markus Krötzsch and Umberto Straccia (eds), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 6th International Conference, RR 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 7497, ISBN 978-3-642-33202-9, Pag. 225-228, (url), 2012.

- Matthias Knorr, Pascal Hitzler and Frederick Maier, Reconciling OWL and Non-monotonic Rules for the Semantic Web, ECAI 2012 - 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Vol. 242, ISBN 978-1-61499-097-0, Pag. 474-479, (url), 2012.

- Martin Slota and João Alexandre Leite, Robust equivalence models for semantic updates of answer-set programs, Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, KR 2012, Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2012, AAAI Press, ISBN 978-1-57735-560-1, Pag. 158-168, (url), 2012.

- João Sequeira, Teresa Gonçalves and Paulo Quaresma, Semantic Role Labeling for Portuguese - A Preliminary Approach -, Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language - 10th International Conference, PROPOR 2012, Coimbra, Portugal, April 17-20, 2012. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 7243, ISBN 978-3-642-28884-5, Pag. 193-203, 2012.

- R. Gonçalves and José Júlio Alferes, Specifying and reasoning about normative systems in deontic logic programming, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, June 4-8, 2012, IFAAMAS, Pag. 1423-1424, 2012.

- David Henriques, João Martins, Paolo Zuliani, André Platzer and Edmund M. Clarke, Statistical Model Checking for Markov Decision Processes, Ninth International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, QEST 2012, London, United Kingdom, September 17-20, 2012, IEEE Computer Society, Pag. 84-93, 2012.

- Luís Baptista and Francisco Azevedo, Using nogoods information from restarts in domain-splitting search, in: Thibaut Feydy and Geoffrey Chu (eds), Proceedings of Nogood Learning and Constraint Programming Workshop (NGL 2012), Pag. 9 pages, 2012.

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