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Papers in proceedings
- Paulo Quaresma and Irene Rodrigues, A Question-Answering System for Legal Information Retrieval, in: Marie-Francine Moens and Peter Spyns (eds), Proceedings of JURIX 2005: The 18th Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Brussels, Belgique, ISBN 1-58603-576-2, Pag. 91-100, December 2005.

- Nuno Viana, Ricardo Raminhos and João Moura Pires, A Real Time Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading Solution for Semi-structured Text Files, in: Carlos Bento, Amílcar Cardoso and Gaël Dias (eds), Progress in Artificial Intelligence - Procs. of EKDBW'05, 5th International Workshop on Extraction of Knowledge from Databases & Warehouse, a part of EPIA'05, 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 3808, ISBN 3-540-30737-0, Pag. 383-394, December 2005.

- Chen Ning and Nuno Marques, An Extension of Self-Organizing Maps to Categorical Data, in: Carlos Bento, Amílcar Cardoso and Gaël Dias (eds), Progress in Artificial Intelligence - Procs. 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 3808, ISBN 3-540-30737-0, Pag. 304-313, December 2005.

- Marco Castellani and Nuno Marques, Automatic Detection of Meddies through Texture Analysis of Sea Surface Temperature Maps, in: Carlos Bento, Amílcar Cardoso and Gaël Dias (eds), Progress in Artificial Intelligence - Procs. 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Covilhã, Portugal, Vol. 3808, ISBN 3-540-30737-0, Pag. 359-370, December 2005.

- Michal Valko, Nuno Marques and Marco Castellani, Evolutionary Feature Selection for Spiking Neural Network Pattern Classifiers, in: Carlos Bento, Amílcar Cardoso and Gaël Dias (eds), Procs. of EKDBW'05, 5th International Workshop on Extraction of Knowledge from Databases & Warehouse, a part of EPIA'05, 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Univ. Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, ISBN 0-7803-9365-1, Pag. 24-32, December 2005.

- P. Dell'Acqua and Luís Moniz Pereira, Preference Revision via Declarative Debugging, in: Carlos Bento, A. Cardoso and G. Dias (eds), Procs. 12th Portuguese Intl.Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA'05), LNAI, Springer, Covilhã, Portugal, Pag. 18-28, December 2005.

- Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto, Revised Stable Models - a Semantics for Logic Programs, in: Carlos Bento, A. Cardoso and G. Dias (eds), Procs. 12th Portuguese Intl.Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA'05), LNAI, Springer, Covilhã, Portugal, Pag. 29-42, December 2005.

- P. Curtoni, L. Dini, V. Di Tomaso, L. Mommers, W. Peters, Paulo Quaresma, E. Schweighofer and D. Tiscornia, Semantic Access to multilingual legal information, in: E. Schweighofer (eds), Proceedings of EU INFO Workshop "Free EU Information on the Web: The Future beyond the new EUR-Lex" of JURIX 2005 - The 18th Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Brussels, Belgique, Pag. 1-11, December 2005.

- Rosa Matias and João Moura Pires, Spatial On-Line Analytical Processing (SOLAP): A Tool the to Analyze the Emission of Pollutants in Industrial Installations, in: Carlos Bento, Amílcar Cardoso and Gaël Dias (eds), Procs. of EKDBW'05, 5th International Workshop on Extraction of Knowledge from Databases & Warehouse, a part of EPIA'05, 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Univ. Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, ISBN 0-7803-9365-1, December 2005.

- Nuno Datia, João Moura Pires, Margarida Cardoso and Helder Pita, Temporal Patterns of TV watching for Portuguese Viewers, in: Carlos Bento, Amílcar Cardoso and Gaël Dias (eds), Procs. of EKDBW'05, 5th International Workshop on Extraction of Knowledge from Databases & Warehouse, a part of EPIA'05, 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Univ. Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, ISBN 0-7803-9365-1, December 2005.
