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Papers in proceedings
- Ana Aires, Jorge Coelho, Sandra Collovini, Paulo Quaresma and Renata Vieira, Avaliação de Centering em Resolução Pronominal da Língua Portuguesa, 5th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora of the Iberamia'2004, Puebla, México, Pag. 1-8, November 2004.

- Federico Banti, José Júlio Alferes and Antonio Brogi, From logic programs updates to action description updates, in: G. Rossi and E. Panegai (eds), Proceedings of CILC'04 - Italian Conference on Computational Logic, ISBN 1-55860-262-3, November 2004.

- Luiz Pizzato, Paulo Quaresma and Vera Lima, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation of Thesaurus-Based Query Expansion Technique, 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (demo and poster), Beijing, China, September 2004.

- Vitor Nogueira, Salvador Abreu and G. David, Temporal reasoning in Cnstraint Contextual Logic Programming, in: P. Hofstedt (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multiparadigm Constraint Programming Languages (MultiCPL'04), TU Berlin, Pag. 119-131, September 2004.

- Ch. Bratsas, Paulo Quaresma, G. Pangalos and N. Maglaveras, Using ontologies to build a knowledge base of cardiology problems and algorithms, CinC - 31st annual meeting of Computers in Cardiology, IEEE, Chicago, USA, Vol. 31, Pag. 609-612, September 2004.

- Cassiana Silva, Renata Vieira, Fernando Osório and Paulo Quaresma, Mining Linguistically Interpreted Texts, 5th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora of the Computational Linguistic International Conference (COLING'2004), Coling, Geneve, Switzerland, Pag. 1-4, August 2004.

- Salvador Abreu, D. Diaz and Vitor Nogueira, GNU Prolog for Application Development, V RMLL/LSM - Libre Software Meeting, University of Bordeaux I, Invited paper, July 2004.

- Carlos Viegas Damásio and Luís Moniz Pereira, Sorted Monotonic Logic Programs and their embeddings, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Base Information Systems (IMPU'04), Special Session on Logic Programming with Imperfect Information, Perugia, Italy, Pag. 807-814, July 2004.

- Carlos Viegas Damásio, Jesús Medina and Manuel Ojeda-Aciego, Termination Results for Sorted Multi-Adjoint Logic Programs, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Base Information Systems (IMPU'04), Perugia, Italy, Pag. 1879-1886, July 2004.

- Ch. Bratsas, N. Maglaveras and Paulo Quaresma, A framework to describe problems and algorithms in medical informatics via ontologies, 4th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, Pag. 1-4, June 2004.
