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Book chapters
- David Mendes and Irene Rodrigues, A Semantic Web Pragmatic Approach to Develop Clinical Ontologies, and thus Semantic Interoperability, based in HL7 v2.xml Messaging, in: Ricardo Martinho (eds), Information Systems and Technologies for Enhancing Health and Social Care, IGI Global, Pag. 205-214., (url), 2013.

- Gregory Wheeler, Character Matching and the Locke Pocket of Belief, in: Franck Lihoreau and Manuel Rebuschi (eds), Epistemology, Context, and Formalism, The Synthese Library, Springer, Dordrecht, Forthcoming, 2013.

- Jesse Alama and Reinhard Kahle, Checking proofs, in: Andrew Aberdein and Ian Dove and (eds), The Argument of Mathematics, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Springer, Vol. 30, Pag. 147-170, (url), 2013.

- Reinhard Kahle, David Hilbert and Principia Mathematica, The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica, History of Analytic Philosophy, Palgrave Macmillan, Pag. 21–34, (url), 2013.

- Luís Moniz Pereira, Pierangelo Dell'Acqua, Alexandre Miguel Pinto and Gonçalo Lopes, Inspecting and Preferring Abductive Models, in: K. Nakamatsu and L. Jain (eds), The Handbook on Reasoning-Based Intelligent Systems, World Scientific, ISBN 978-981-4329-47-7, Pag. 243-274, (url), 2013.

- Han The Anh and Luís Moniz Pereira, Intention-based Decision Making via Intention Recognition and its Applications, in: Hans W. Guesgen and Stephen Marsland (eds), Human Behavior Recognition Technologies: Intelligent Applications for Monitoring and Security, IGI Global,, ISBN 978-1-4666-3682-8, Pag. 174-211, (url),, 2013.

- Ana Paula Silva, Arlindo Silva and Irene Rodrigues, PSO-Tagger: A New Biologically Inspired Approach to the Part-of-Speech Tagging Problem, in: Marco Tomassini (eds), Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume , 2013,, Springer, Vol. 7824, Pag. 90-99, 2013.

- S. Modgil, F. Toni, F. Bex, I. Bratko, C. I. Chesñevar, W. Dvořák, M. A. Falappa, X. Fan, S. A Gaggl, A. J. García, M. P. González, T. F. Gordon, João Alexandre Leite, M. Možina, C. Reed, G. R. Simari, S. Szeider, P. Torroni and S. Woltran, The added value of argumentation, in: Sascha Ossowski (eds), Agreement Technologies, Law, Governance and Tech. Series, Springer, Vol. 8, Pag. 357-403, 2013.
