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Book chapters
- Luís Moniz Pereira and Han The Anh, Intention Recognition with Evolution Prospection and Causal Bayesian Networks, in: Ana Madureira, Judite Ferreira and Zita Vale (eds), Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems 3: Emergent Applications, Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering Book Series, Springer, Vol. 46, ISBN 978-94-007-0092-5, Pag. 1-33, (url), Select updated papers from Intl. Symp. on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems., December 2010.

- Pedro Barahona, Ludwig Krippahl and Olivier Perriquet, Bioinformatics: A Challenge to Constraint Programming, in: Michela Milano and Pascal Van Hentenryck (eds), Hybrid Optimization, Springer Optimization and its Applications, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-1643-3, Pag. 463-85, November 2010.

- Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto, Inspecting Side-Effects of Abduction in Logic Programs, in: M. Balduccini and S. Tran (eds), Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Essays in honour of Michael Gelfond, Symposium on Constructive Mathematics in Computer Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA, Vol., Pag. 129-144, (url), Symposium on Constructive Mathematics in Computer Science, October 2010.

- Boris Mirkin, Susana Nascimento and Luís Moniz Pereira, Cluster-lift method for mapping research activities over a concept tree, in: J. Koronacki, S. Weirzchon, Z. Ras and J. Kacprzyk (eds), Advances in Machine Learning II - Dedicated to the memory of Ryszard S. Michalski, Computational Intelligence Series, Springer, Vol. 263, ISBN 978-3-642-05178-4, Pag. 245-257, (url), January 2010.

- Reinhard Kahle and Anton Setzer, An extended predicative definition of the Mahlo universe, in: Ralf Schindler (eds), Ways of Proof Theory, Mathematical Logic, Ontos Verlag, Pag. 315-340, 2010.

- Choh Man Teng and, Data, data, everywhere: Statistical issues in data mining, Philosophy of Statistics, Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Elsevier, 2010.

- Choh Man Teng, Data, data, everywhere: Statistical issues in data mining, Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Statistics, Elsevier, Vol. 7, 2010.

- Evolutionary dynamics of collective action, in: Wolfgang Alt (eds), Book Chapter in series on Mathematics and Biosciences in Interaction, Birkhauser Basel (in press), 2010.

- T. Kajiyama, D. D'Alimonte, J. Cunha and G. Zibordi, High-Performance Ocean Color Monte Carlo Simulation in the Geo-info Project, in: R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, K. Karczewski and J. Wasniewski (eds), Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Vol. 6068, Pag. 370-379, 2010.

- Teresa Gonçalves and Paulo Quaresma, Using linguistic information and Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Entities from Juridical Documents, in: E. Francesconi, E. Montemagni, W. Peters and D. Tiscornia (eds), Semantic Processing of Legal Texts, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 6036, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-12836-3, Pag. 44-59, 2010.
