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Book chapters
- Cássia Trojahn, Paulo Quaresma and Renata Vieira, Matching Law Ontologies using an Extended Argumentation Framework based on Confidence Degrees, Law, Ontologies and the Semantic Web, Channelling the Legal Information Flood, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Vol. 188, ISBN 978-1-58603-942-4, Pag. 1-12, (url), December 2008.

- Reinhard Kahle, Konstruktivismus und Semantik, in: J. Mittelstraß (eds), Der Konstruktivismus im Ausgang der Philosophie von Wilhelm Kamlah und Paul Lorenzen, Mentis, ISBN 978-3897855922, Pag. 197-211, February 2008.

- Reinhard Kahle, Against possible worlds, in: C. Degremont, L. Keiff and H. Rückert (eds), Dialogues, Logics and Other Strange Things. Essays in Honour of Shahid Rahman, Tributes, College Publications, Vol. 7, Pag. 235-253, 2008.

- Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto, Collaborative vs. Conflicting Learning, Evolution and Argumentation, in: H. R. Tizhoosh and M. Ventresca (eds), Oppositional Concepts in Computational Intelligence, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Vol. 155/2008, ISBN 978-3-540-70826-1, ISSN 1860-949X, Pag. 61-89, 2008.
