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Book chapters
- Pablo Gamallo, Análisis de las categorías gramaticales desde el punto de vista semántico-cognitivo, in: Augusto Soares Da Silva (eds), Linguagem e Cognição: a perspectiva da Linguística Cognitiva, Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, Pag. 355-374, 2001.

- Pablo Gamallo, Caroline Gasperin, Alexandre Agustini and Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Syntactic-Based Methods for Measuring Word Similarity, in: V. Mautner, R. Moucek and K. Moucek (eds), Text, Speech, and Discourse (TSD-2001), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNCS/LNAI 2166, Springer, Pag. 116-125, 2001.

- Nuno Marques and Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Tagging With Small Training Corpora, in: F. Hoffmann, D. Hand, N. Adams, D. Fisher and G. Guimaraes (eds), Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis (LNCS 2189), 4th International Conference, IDA 2001, Springer, Pag. 63-72, 2001.

- Paulo Quaresma and Irene Rodrigues, Using dynamic logic programming to model cooperative dialogues, in: Fawzi Daoud (eds), Modal and Temporal Logics based Planning for Open Networked Multimedia Systems, IOS Press, Extended and revised version of the AAAI'99 Fall Symposium paper., 2001.
