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Book chapters
- Paulo Quaresma and Irene Rodrigues, Construire le contexte d'une interface Web pour des bases de donnés juridiques, in: D. Bourcier, P. Hassett and C. Roquilly (eds), Droit et Intelligence Artificielle, Collection Droit et Technologies, Editions Romillat, Paris, France, Pag. 46-58, 2000.

- Gaël Dias, Spela Vintar, Sylvie Guilloré and Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Identifying and Integrating Terminologically Relevant Multiword Units in the IJS-ELAN Slovene-English Parallel Corpus, in: Paola Monachesi (eds), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 1999: selected papers from the Tenth CLIN Meeting, Rodopi, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA 2000, (url), 2000.

- Nuno Marques, Gabriel Pereira Lopes and C. A. Coelho, Mining Subcategorization Information by Using Multiple Feature Loglinear Models, in: Paola Monachesi (eds), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 1999: selected papers from the Tenth CLIN Meeting, Rodopi, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA 2000, (url), 2000.
