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Journal articles
- Susana Nascimento, Sérgio Casca and Boris Mirkin, A Seed Expanding Cluster Algorithm for Deriving Upwelling Areas on Sea Surface Temperature Images, Statistical learning in geoscience modelling: novel algorithms and challenging case studies, Computers & Geosciences, Elsevier, In press, (url), June 2015.

- Han The Anh, Francisco C. Santos, Tom Lenaerts and Luís Moniz Pereira, Synergy between intention recognition and commitments in cooperation dilemmas, Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, No. 9312, Pag. DOI:10.1038/srep09312, Nature Publishing Group, ISSN 2045-2322,, (url), March 2015.

- Han The Anh, Luís Moniz Pereira and Tom Lenaerts, Avoiding or Restricting Defectors in Public Goods Games?, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vol. 12, No. 103, Pag., The Royal Society Publishing, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace LONDON SW1Y 5AG, ISSN 1742-5662,, (url), February 2015.

- Yves Caniou, Philippe Codognet, Florian Richoux, Daniel Diaz and Salvador Abreu, Large-scale parallelism for constraint-based local search: the costas array case study, Constraints, Vol. 20, No. 1, Pag. 30-56, Springer, (url), January 2015.

- Ricardo Filipe Silva, João Moura Pires and Maribel Yasmina Santos, A Granularity Theory for Modelling Spatio-temporal Phenomena at Multiple Levels of Detail, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Inderscience, (in press), (url), 2015.

- J.R. Marques da Silva, C.V. Damásio, A.M.O. Sousa, L. Bugalho, L. Pessanha and Paulo Quaresma, Agriculture pest and disease risk maps considering {MSG} satellite data and land surface temperature, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 38, No. 0, Pag. 40 - 50, ISSN 0303-2434, (url), 2015.

- João Alexandre Leite, Tran Cao Son, Paolo Torroni and Stefan Woltran, Applications of logical approaches to argumentation, Argument & Computation, Vol. 6, No. 1, Pag. 1-2, Taylor & Francis, (url), 2015.

- Han The Anh, Luís Moniz Pereira, Francisco C. Santos and Tom Lenaerts, Emergence of Cooperation via Intention Recognition, Commitment, and Apology - A Research Summary, AI Communications, IOS Press,, ISSN 0921-7126, (url), 2015.

- Terrance Swift, Forest Logging: A Trace-Based Analysis of Large Rule-Based Computations, Semantic Web Journal, Vol. 6, No. 5, 2015.

- Reinhard Kahle, Hilbert vindicated, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 21, No. 1, Pag. 103, Abstract (given by title) for the Logic Colloquium 2014., 2015.

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