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CENTRIA past news

New projects funded by FCTTwo projects led by members of CENTRIA were funded in the recent 2012 FCT call. Read more...
Friday, 21st of December 2012
The Alan Turing Centenary SymposiumHosted by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Auditório 3 (Lisboa, Portugal).
December 11, 2012 - 9h30 to 17h00.
Monday, 10th of December 2012
Elsa Carvalho, PhDElsa Carvalho successfully defended her PhD thesis "Probabilistic Constraint Reasoning" on November 26th, 2012. Read more...
Tuesday, 27th of November 2012
Elsa Carvalho's PhD Public DefenseThe public defense of Elsa Carvalho's PhD Thesis will take place on Monday, November 26th, at 10:00 in Sala de Actos (Ed IV) of FCT/UNL. Read more...
Tuesday, 20th of November 2012
Visiting Scientist ScholarshipA call for a Visiting Scientist is open to a PhD holder willing to develop neural networks for the analysis of data products from the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer satellite. The one-year grant starts on 1st January 2013. Read more...
Thursday, 15th of November 2012
Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre (Projecto SAF)Encontra-se aberto concurso para atribuição de uma bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Mestre no âmbito da área de investigação “Knowledge Representation and Reasoning” do CENTRIA. Read more...
Tuesday, 16th of October 2012
Martin Slota, PhDMartin Slota successfully defended his PhD thesis on September 25th, 2012. Read more...
Wednesday, 26th of September 2012
PhD Public Defense of Martin SlotaThe public defense of Martin Slota's PhD Thesis will take place on Tuesday, September 25th, at 14:00 in Sala de Actos (Ed IV) of FCT/UNL. Read more...
Tuesday, 18th of September 2012
Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre (Projecto SAF)Encontra-se aberto concurso para atribuição de uma bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Mestre no âmbito da área de investigação “Knowledge Representation and Reasoning” do CENTRIA. Read more...
Wednesday, 12th of September 2012
Bolsa de Pós-doutoramento (Projecto ERRO PTDC/EIA-CCO/121823/2010)Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento (BPD), no âmbito do projecto "ERRO - Efficient Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies" (PTDC/EIA-CCO/121823/2010). Read more...
Tuesday, 11th of September 2012
complete listing | pages: [1] | 2

Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
