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CENTRIA past news

Post-Doc grantWithin the ESF programme LogICCC the Portuguese partner of the DiFoS (Dialogical Foundations of Semantics) project offers a post-doc grant at CENTRIA. Read more...
Monday, 29th of December 2008
Post-Doc grant and PhD grant availableWithin the ESF programme LogICCC the Portuguese partner of the DiFoS (Dialogical Foundations of Semantics) project offers a post-doc grant and a research grant (on the level of a PhD student) at CENTRIA. Read more...
Wednesday, 10th of September 2008
AI researcher job offer callApplications are invited for a RESEARCHER position (at least 3 years post-doctoral experience) in thematic areas of Artificial Intelligence. Open till 31 August 2008. Read more...
Monday, 14th of July 2008
Postdoctoral research job opportunities in BioinformaticsApplications are invited for SENIOR RESEARCHER positions in Bioinformatics, in a multidisciplinary project involving Informatics, Structural Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology. The positions offered are for a 5 year contract to work at CENTRIA. Read more...
Wednesday, 12th of March 2008
EASSS'08The 10th European Summer School on Agent Systems will take place at FCT/UNL between the 4th and 9th of May, 2008. Read more...
Tuesday, 4th of March 2008
Postdoctoral research job opportunities in AI - 5-year contracts – deadline 20 April 08Applications are invited for SENIOR RESEARCHER positions (at least 3 years post-doctoral experience) in the thematic areas of “Knowledge Based Systems” and "Semantic Web", in the AI centre of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Deadline: 20 April 2008. Read more...
Friday, 22nd of February 2008
EMCL Students WorkshopThe Students Workshop of the European Masters on Computational Logics will take place in Caparica on the 21st and 22nd of February 2008. Read more...
Monday, 28th of January 2008

Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
