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Papers in proceedings
- Luís Moniz Pereira and Alexandre Miguel Pinto, Stable versus Layered Logic Program Semantics, Fifth Latin American Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning 2009, Apizaco, Tlaxcala, México, (url), Proceedings at, November 2009.

- Cláudio Fernandes, Nuno Lopes, Manuel Monteiro and Salvador Abreu, The Contact-Center Business Analyzer: a case for Persistent Contextual Logic Programming, Proceedings of the 18th Intl. Conf. on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP'09), Univ. Évora, November 2009.

- Anastasia Analyti, Grigoris Antoniou and Carlos Viegas Damásio, A Formal Theory for Modular ERDF Ontologies, in: Axel Polleres and Terrance Swift (eds), Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Third International Conference, RR 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Chantilly, VA, USA, Vol. 5837, ISBN 978-3-642-05081-7, Pag. 212-226, (url), October 2009.

- Nuno Marques, An Extension of the Core Method for Continuous Values: Learning with Probabilities, in: Luís Seabra Lopes, Nuno Lau, P. Mariano and Luís Rocha (eds), New Trends in Artificial Intelligence - Proceedings of 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aveiro, ISBN 978-972-96895-4-3, Pag. 319-328, (url), October 2009.

- Pedro Salgueiro and Salvador Abreu, Constraint-Based DSL for Computer Network Monitoring, Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SDIA 2009), Univ. de Aveiro, October 2009.

- Luís Moniz Pereira and Han The Anh, Intention Recognition via Causal Bayes Networks plus Plan Generation, in: L. Seabra Lopes, Nuno Lau, P. Mariano and L. Rocha (eds), 14th Portuguese Intl.Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA'09), LNAI, Springer, Vol. 5816, Pag. 138-149, (url), October 2009.

- José Júlio Alferes, Matthias Knorr and Terrance Swift, Queries to Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases through Oracular Tabling, in: A. Bernstein (eds), International Semantic Web Conference 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 5823, ISBN 978-3-642-04929-3, Pag. 1-16, October 2009.

- Nuno Miranda, Ricardo Raminhos, Pedro Seabra, José Saias, Teresa Gonçalves and Paulo Quaresma, Standardisation of Hotel Descriptions, in: Luís Seabra Lopes, Nuno Lau, Pedro Mariano and Luís Rocha (eds), EPIA'09, 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence - New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Aveiro, Portugal, ISBN 978-972-96895-4-3, Pag. 537-540, October 2009.

- Han The Anh, Carroline D. P. Kencana Ramli and Carlos Viegas Damásio, Tabling for P-log probabilistic query evaluation., in: L. Seabra Lopes, Nuno Lau, P. Mariano and L. M. Rocha (eds), New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2009, Proceedings, Univ. de Aveiro, Pag. 115-126, October 2009.

- Susana Nascimento and Pedro Franco, Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering for the Segmentation and Annotation of Upwelling Regions in Sea Surface Temperature Images, in: J. Gama (eds), Discovery Science, LNCS 5808, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 5808/2009, Pag. 212-226, (url), October 2009.
