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CENTRIA's completed projects (ongoing in 2004)
- Computational Logic as a Foundation for Computer Science and Intelligent Systems
Started in September 2004 and was concluded in September 2007 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes
- RENA - Remote Detection of Mediterranean Water Eddies in the Northeast Atlantic
Started in September 2004 and was concluded in August 2007 Nuno C. Marques, Susana Nascimento, Marco Castellani, Armando Fernandes
- REWERSE - Reasoning on the Web with Rules and Semantics
Started in March 1st 2004 and was concluded in March 1st 2008 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes, Carlos Damásio, Pedro Barahona, Ludwig Kripphal, Ricardo Amador
- LOIS - Lexical Ontologies for Information Sharing
Started in 2004 and was concluded in 2006 Paulo Miguel Quaresma
- SIIUE.sac - Universidade de Évora's Integrated Information System
Started in 2003 and was concluded in December 2006 Salvador Abreu
- ABC - Intelligent Access to Knowledge Bases
Started in October 2002 and was concluded in October 2005 Paulo Miguel Quaresma, Irene Rodrigues
- AJACS - Yet Another Java Constraint Programming System
Started in July 2002 and was concluded in 2005 Salvador Abreu, Irene Rodrigues
- Extensions au Logiciel Libre GNU Prolog
Started in April 2002 and was concluded in May 2004 Salvador Abreu
- FLUX - Flexible Logic Updates
Started in 2002 and was concluded in September 2005 João Leite
- DIRPI - Desenvolvimento e Integração de Recursos para a Pesquisa de Informação
Started in 2002 and was concluded in 2006 Paulo Miguel Quaresma