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Written Books
- Rolf Haenni, Jan Willem Romeijn, Gregory Wheeler and Jon Williamson, Probabilistic Logics and Probabilistic Networks of The Synthese Library, Springer, Dordrecht, (url), 2011.

Book editions
- Philippe Codognet, Florian Richoux, Daniel Diaz and Salvador Abreu (eds), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Parallel Methods for Constraint Solving (PCMS 11), Università degli Studi di Perugia, September 2011.

- Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium and Poster Session of the 5th International Symposium on Rules (RuleML 2011@IJCAI), , CoRR, Vol. abs/1107.1686, (url), July 2011.

- Carlos Viegas Damásio, Alun D. Preece and Umberto Straccia (eds), Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium and Poster Session of the 5th International Symposium on Rules (RuleML 2011@IJCAI), CoRR, (url), July 2011.

- Salvador Abreu and Dietmar Siepel (eds), Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management - 18th International Conference (INAP 2009), Vol. 6547 of LNAI, ISBN: 978-3-642-20588-0, Springer, 2011.

- Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems - 12th International Workshop, CLIMA XII, Barcelona, Spain, July 17-18, 2011. Proceedings, in: João Alexandre Leite, Paolo Torroni, Thomas {\AA}gotnes, Guido Boella and Leon van der Torre (eds), CLIMA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 6814, ISBN 978-3-642-22358-7, 2011.

- Chalub and Rodrigues (eds), Evolutionary dynamics of collective action of Mathematics and Biosciences in Interaction, ISBN: 978-3-0348-0121-8, Birkhauser Basel (in press), 2011.

- Languages, Methodologies, and Development Tools for Multi-Agent Systems - Third International Workshop, LADS 2010, Lyon, France, August 30 - September 1, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, in: Mehdi Dastani, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Jomi Hübner and João Alexandre Leite (eds), LADS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 6822, ISBN 978-3-642-22722-6, 2011.

- Salvador Abreu and Vitor Santos Costa (eds), Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint LOgic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2011), CoRR, 2011.

- Juergen Dix and João Alexandre Leite (eds), Special Issue on Computational Logics in Multi-agent Systems, Vol. 62 of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2011.
