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CENTRIA's completed projects (ongoing in 2004)
- COOPERATIVE - Automatic Clustering and Visualization of Legal Documents in a Cooperative Information Retrieval Web System
Started in 2002 and was concluded in 2004 Paulo Miguel Quaresma, Salvador Abreu, Irene Rodrigues, Teresa Gonçalves, Gomes Saias, Luis Rosário, Luis Simões
- CoLogNet - European Network of Excellence in Computational Logic
Started in January 2001 and was concluded in June 2005 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes, João Leite, Carlos Damásio
- TARDE - Tabulation And Reasoning in a Distributed Prolog Environment
Started in 2001 and was concluded in 2004 Carlos Damásio, José Alferes, João Leite