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SOLAP+: Extending the Interaction Model
July 2009
Decision Support Systems (DSS) are designed in order to help human users with decision making activities. Inside the big family of DSSs there is OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) - an approach to answer multidimensional queries quickly and effectively. Even though OLAP is recognized as an efficient technique and widely used in mostly every area, it does not offer spatial analysis, spatial data visualization nor exploration. In order to explore this potential and include spatial data and spatial analysis features to OLAP, Bédard introduced Spatial OLAP (SOLAP). Although it is a relatively new area, many proposals towards SOLAP’s standardization and consolidation have been made, as well as functional tools for different application areas.We propose to define a generic model for SOLAP interaction based on previous works, extending it to include new visualization options, components and cases.
M. Sc. dissertation
Ruben Miguel Rebelo Jorge
João Moura Pires
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Ruben Miguel Rebelo Jorge, SOLAP+: Extending the Interaction Model, João Moura Pires (superv.), FCT / UNL, July 2009.
<b>Ruben Miguel Rebelo Jorge</b>, <u>SOLAP+: Extending the Interaction Model</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=542b14e1830dcf7566974fd36b6fccc7" class="supervisor">João Moura Pires</a> (superv.), FCT / UNL, July 2009.
@mastersthesis {Jorge09:Thesis, author = {Ruben Miguel Rebelo Jorge}, title = {SOLAP+: Extending the Interaction Model}, school = {FCT / UNL}, note = {Jo{\~a}o Moura Pires (superv.); }, abstract = {Decision Support Systems (DSS) are designed in order to help human users with decision making activities. Inside the big family of DSSs there is OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) - an approach to answer multidimensional queries quickly and effectively. Even though OLAP is recognized as an efficient technique and widely used in mostly every area, it does not offer spatial analysis, spatial data visualization nor exploration. In order to explore this potential and include spatial data and spatial analysis features to OLAP, B{\'e}dard introduced Spatial OLAP (SOLAP). Although it is a relatively new area, many proposals towards SOLAP’s standardization and consolidation have been made, as well as functional tools for different application areas.We propose to define a generic model for SOLAP interaction based on previous works, extending it to include new visualization options, components and cases.}, keywords = {OLAP, SOLAP, GIS}, month = {July}, year = {2009}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
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