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CENTRIA's ongoing projects
- ATTEST - AlgoriThms and Tools for reasoning about dEpendable SysTems
Ongoing since October 1st 2010, concludes in September 1st 2012 Pedro Barahona, Marco Correia, Francisco Azevedo
- CESOC - Co-evolution and self-organization of cooperation
Ongoing since January 1st 2010, concludes in December 1st 2013 Francisco C. Santos
- HORUS - Horn Representations of Uncertain Systems
Ongoing since January 2010, concludes in December 2012 Salvador Abreu
- GIO - Grid Intelligence and Optimsation
Ongoing since June 2009, concludes in 2016 Francisco Azevedo
- CHRBio - Constraint- and Hypothetical-based Reasoning for Bioinformatics
Ongoing since April 1st 2009, concludes in March 1st 2011 Pedro Barahona, Ludwig Kripphal
- LSTOP - Learning Spatio-Temporal Oceanographic Patterns
Ongoing since February 2008, concludes in January 2011 Susana Nascimento, Armando Fernandes (2008-2009), Nuno C. Marques, Davide D'Alimonte
- COPSRO - Computational Approach to Ontology Profiling of Scientific Research Organisations
Ongoing since January 2008, concludes in June 2011 Susana Nascimento, Luís Moniz Pereira
- CONTEMP - CONTraintes Exécutées en MultiProcesseurs
Ongoing since January 2008, concludes in December 2010 Salvador Abreu, Lígia Ferreia, Pedro Barahona, Ludwig Kripphal
- Design and implementation of an architecture for interactive, cognitive virtual characters
Ongoing since January 2008, concludes in December 2009 Pierangelo Dell’Acqua
- JEDI - A Joint Environment for Deduction and Induction
Ongoing since January 2008, concludes in December 2010 Salvador Abreu
This year's information may not be complete.