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CENTRIA's completed projects (ongoing in 1999)
- OAR - Object-Oriented And-Or Tree Rewriting Systems
Started in September 1999 and was concluded in September 2001 Salvador Abreu, Lígia Ferreia
- Access to information available at OCRed reports on ore prospecting and partial integration of a full text information Retrieval System with a Geographic Information System
Started in January 1999 and was concluded in 1999 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- Analysis and Synthesis of sentences in Portuguese and French
Started in 1999 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- IGM - Access to information available at OCRed reports on ore prospecting and partial integration of a full text information Retrieval System with a Geographic Information System
Started in 1999 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- NSF - Choosing Among Approaches to Probability
Started in 1999 and was concluded in 2001 Gregory Wheeler
- ACAVA - Arquitecturas de Comportamentos Adaptativos para Veículos Autónomos
Started in October 1998 and was concluded in September 1999 Luís Correia, Pedro Mariano, António Abreu
- PGR - Selective Access to the information contained in the Opinions of the Portuguese Republic
Started in January 1998 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- FUNDAÇÕES - Multi Agent Systems and Natural Language Processing: Foundations and Aplications
Started in January 1998 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- ELSNET - European Language and Speech Network
Started in 1998 and was concluded in 1999 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- MENTAL - An architecture for mental agents
Started in March 1997 and was concluded in February 2000 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes, Carlos Damásio, João Leite
- REAP - Reasoning in Logic Programming
Started in October 1996 and was concluded in 2000 Luís Moniz Pereira
- Medieval Portuguese Corpora, automatic POS-tagging and partial parsing of
this corpora
Started in September 1996 and was concluded in 1999 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- CompulogNet - Network of Excellence in Computational Logic
Started in July 1996 and was concluded in 2000 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes
- JUSTIÇA - Automatic acquisition of facts that occurred and are described by the decisions of the Supreme Court and Natural Language Interrogation about those facts
Started in December 1995 and was concluded in 1999 Irene Rodrigues
- RELING - Reseau Programation Logique, Contraintes, Langue Naturelle
Started in January 1995 and was concluded in 1999 Luís Moniz Pereira
- ACROPOLE - ACções e RaciocíniO em ProgramaçãO em Lógica Estendida
Started in 1994 and was concluded in 1999 José Alferes, Carlos Damásio, Luís Moniz Pereira, João Leite
- SADFM - Simulated Annealing and Fuzzy Decision Making
Concluded in 1999 Fernando Moura Pires
Concluded in 1999 Fernando Moura Pires
- DIXIT - Multilingual Intentional Dialogue Systems
Concluded in 1999 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
Concluded in 1999 Pedro Barahona, Jorge Cruz
- Formações à/pela investigação em Antropologia cognitiva e Etnociências: criação de um pólo português nestes domínios. [Research in Cognitive Anthropology and Ethnosciences : establishment of a Portuguese node.]
Concluded in 1999 José Rodrigues dos Santos
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