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The Making of an Interactive Digital Narrative - InStory
April 2009
Multimedia storytelling; IF;
This paper describes the problems that had to be faced during the elaboration of an interactive narrative for the "Instory" project directed by Prof. Nuno Correia. The project had the goal of defining and implementing a platform for mobile and cinematic storytelling, information access, and gaming activities, in Quinta da Regaleira (World Heritage) in Sintra, Portugal. The system is driven and validated by a set of fictional threads that are centred on the exploration of physical spaces (the real world, in real time). The development of a narrative was naturally constrained by the environment which raised some practical and theoretical issues in what regards the literary strategies involved. InStory received the PMA Award (2006) for best Portuguese multimedia project web– mobile.
In proceedings
Helena Barbas, Nuno Correia
Jeanne Schreurs
Euromedia'2009 - Fifteenth annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media, Communication and Telematics Theory, Methods Tools and Applications
peer reviewed (3) and accepted for publication;
Export formats
Helena Barbas and Nuno Correia, The Making of an Interactive Digital Narrative - InStory, in: Jeanne Schreurs (eds), Euromedia'2009 - Fifteenth annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media, Communication and Telematics Theory, Methods Tools and Applications, Eurosis-ETI, Ghent, Pag. 35-41, peer reviewed (3) and accepted for publication;, April 2009.
<a href="/people/members/view.php?code=0831313f7865250a2147534877df1dba" class="author">Helena Barbas</a> and Nuno Correia, <b>The Making of an Interactive Digital Narrative - InStory</b>, in: Jeanne Schreurs (eds), <u>Euromedia'2009 - Fifteenth annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media, Communication and Telematics Theory, Methods Tools and Applications</u>, Eurosis-ETI, Ghent, Pag. 35-41, <i>peer reviewed (3) and accepted for publication;</i>, April 2009.
@inproceedings {Multimedia storytelling; IF;, author = {Helena Barbas and Nuno Correia}, editor = {Jeanne Schreurs}, title = {The Making of an Interactive Digital Narrative - InStory}, booktitle = {Euromedia'2009 - Fifteenth annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology, New Media, Communication and Telematics Theory, Methods Tools and Applications}, publisher = {Eurosis-ETI}, address = {Ghent}, pages = {35-41}, note = {peer reviewed (3) and accepted for publication;}, abstract = {This paper describes the problems that had to be faced during the elaboration of an interactive narrative for the "Instory" project directed by Prof. Nuno Correia. The project had the goal of defining and implementing a platform for mobile and cinematic storytelling, information access, and gaming activities, in Quinta da Regaleira (World Heritage) in Sintra, Portugal. The system is driven and validated by a set of fictional threads that are centred on the exploration of physical spaces (the real world, in real time). The development of a narrative was naturally constrained by the environment which raised some practical and theoretical issues in what regards the literary strategies involved. InStory received the PMA Award (2006) for best Portuguese multimedia project web– mobile.}, keywords = {Multimedia storytelling, IF, Narratology, Cultural heritage, Serious games}, month = {April}, year = {2009}, }
Publication's urls
/publications/view.php?code=Multimedia storytelling; IF;

Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
