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Declarative Approach to Data Extraction of Web pages
July 2009
this thesis proposes a new more modern extractor, capable of supporting the Web evolution, as well as be generic so it can be used in any situation, and capable of being extended and easily adaptable to a more particular use. This project started by extending an earlier one capable of extractions on semi-structured text files, however it evolved to a modular extraction system capable of extracting data from webpages, semi-structured text files and be expanded to support other data source types. It also contains a more complete and generic validation system and a new data delivery system capable of performing the earlier deliveries as well as new generic ones. A graphical editor was also developed to support the extraction system features and to allow a domain expert without computer knowledge to create extractions with only a few simple and intuitive interactions on the rendered webpage.
M. Sc. dissertation
Ricardo Freitas Alves
João Moura Pires
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Ricardo Freitas Alves, Declarative Approach to Data Extraction of Web pages, João Moura Pires (superv.), DI - FCT / UNL, July 2009.
<b>Ricardo Freitas Alves</b>, <u>Declarative Approach to Data Extraction of Web pages</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=542b14e1830dcf7566974fd36b6fccc7" class="supervisor">João Moura Pires</a> (superv.), DI - FCT / UNL, July 2009.
@mastersthesis {RA09-MScThesis, author = {Ricardo Freitas Alves}, title = {Declarative Approach to Data Extraction of Web pages}, school = {DI - FCT / UNL}, note = {Jo{\~a}o Moura Pires (superv.); }, abstract = {this thesis proposes a new more modern extractor, capable of supporting the Web evolution, as well as be generic so it can be used in any situation, and capable of being extended and easily adaptable to a more particular use. This project started by extending an earlier one capable of extractions on semi-structured text files, however it evolved to a modular extraction system capable of extracting data from webpages, semi-structured text files and be expanded to support other data source types. It also contains a more complete and generic validation system and a new data delivery system capable of performing the earlier deliveries as well as new generic ones. A graphical editor was also developed to support the extraction system features and to allow a domain expert without computer knowledge to create extractions with only a few simple and intuitive interactions on the rendered webpage.}, month = {July}, year = {2009}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
