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Visual Programming in a Heterogeneous Multi-core Environment
June 2009
Programming languages have always been the communication bridge between the programmer and the computer. New ones keep coming and other ones keep improving in order to adapt to new concepts and paradigms. This requires an extra-effort for the programmer, who always needs to be aware of these changes. Visual Programming may be a solution to this problem. Expressing functions as module boxes which receive determined input and return determined output may help programmers across the world by giving them the possibility to abstract from specific low-level hardware issues. This thesis not only shows how the Cell/B.E. (which has a heterogeneous multi-core architecture) capabilities can be combined with OpenDX (which has a visual programming environment), but also demonstrates that it can be done without losing much performance.
M. Sc. dissertation
Pedro Guerreiro
Salvador Abreu
Universidade de Évora
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Pedro Guerreiro, Visual Programming in a Heterogeneous Multi-core Environment, Salvador Abreu (superv.), Universidade de Évora, June 2009.
<b>Pedro Guerreiro</b>, <u>Visual Programming in a Heterogeneous Multi-core Environment</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=e927e6f7f16b0d293c89324129b1ea0e" class="supervisor">Salvador Abreu</a> (superv.), Universidade de Évora, June 2009.
@mastersthesis {guerreiro2009:tese, author = {Pedro Guerreiro}, title = {Visual Programming in a Heterogeneous Multi-core Environment}, school = {Universidade de {\'E}vora}, note = {Salvador Abreu (superv.); }, abstract = {Programming languages have always been the communication bridge between the programmer and the computer. New ones keep coming and other ones keep improving in order to adapt to new concepts and paradigms. This requires an extra-effort for the programmer, who always needs to be aware of these changes. Visual Programming may be a solution to this problem. Expressing functions as module boxes which receive determined input and return determined output may help programmers across the world by giving them the possibility to abstract from specific low-level hardware issues. This thesis not only shows how the Cell/B.E. (which has a heterogeneous multi-core architecture) capabilities can be combined with OpenDX (which has a visual programming environment), but also demonstrates that it can be done without losing much performance.}, month = {June}, year = {2009}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
