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Extensible Metadata Repository for Information Systems
February 2009
Information Systems have, usually, a strong integration component and some of those systems rely on integration solutions that are based on metadata. In that situation, there’s a need to deal with metadata as if it were “normal” information. For that matter, the existence of a metadata repository (MR) that deals with the integrity, storage, validity and eases the processes of information integration in the IS is a wise choice. In the SESS project (an European Space Agency project), a generic (MR) was developed, based on XML technologies. This MR require the use of fix syntactic rules that were stored in the content of the XML files. In this thesis a MR is proposed and implemented, specially focused on easy integration of metadata from any type of external source (in XML format) and provides an environment that simplifies the reuse of already existing types of metadata to build new types of metadata, all this without having to modify the documents it stores was developed.
M. Sc. dissertation
Pedro Honrado Rio
João Moura Pires
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Pedro Honrado Rio, Extensible Metadata Repository for Information Systems, João Moura Pires (superv.), FCT / UNL, February 2009.
<b>Pedro Honrado Rio</b>, <u>Extensible Metadata Repository for Information Systems</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=542b14e1830dcf7566974fd36b6fccc7" class="supervisor">João Moura Pires</a> (superv.), FCT / UNL, February 2009.
@mastersthesis {Rio09:Thesis, author = {Pedro Honrado Rio}, title = {Extensible Metadata Repository for Information Systems}, school = {FCT / UNL}, note = {Jo{\~a}o Moura Pires (superv.); }, abstract = {Information Systems have, usually, a strong integration component and some of those systems rely on integration solutions that are based on metadata. In that situation, there’s a need to deal with metadata as if it were “normal” information. For that matter, the existence of a metadata repository (MR) that deals with the integrity, storage, validity and eases the processes of information integration in the IS is a wise choice. In the SESS project (an European Space Agency project), a generic (MR) was developed, based on XML technologies. This MR require the use of fix syntactic rules that were stored in the content of the XML files. In this thesis a MR is proposed and implemented, specially focused on easy integration of metadata from any type of external source (in XML format) and provides an environment that simplifies the reuse of already existing types of metadata to build new types of metadata, all this without having to modify the documents it stores was developed.}, keywords = {Metadata Repository, Information Systems, XML}, month = {February}, year = {2009}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
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