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CENTRIA's completed projects (ongoing in 2001)
- IQN - Rational Mobile Agents and Systems of Agents (International Quality Network)
Started in October 2001 and was concluded in 2003 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes
- RRA - Rational and Reactive Agents
Started in October 2001 and was concluded in 2002 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes, Carlos Damásio, João Leite
- CoLogNet - European Network of Excellence in Computational Logic
Started in January 2001 and was concluded in June 2005 Luís Moniz Pereira, José Alferes, João Leite, Carlos Damásio
- NetBe - Business to Business Software
Started in January 2001 and was concluded in December 2001 Luís Moniz Pereira
- Organisational reflection in multi-agent systems
Started in January 2001 and was concluded in 2001 Pierangelo Dell’Acqua
- TARDE - Tabulation And Reasoning in a Distributed Prolog Environment
Started in 2001 and was concluded in 2004 Carlos Damásio, José Alferes, João Leite
- GODE - Gestão dos Orgãos e Deputados Eleitos da Assembleia da República
Started in 2001 and was concluded in 2003 Joaquim Nunes Aparício
- ILPnet2 - the Network of Excellence in Inductive Logic Programming
Started in 2001 and was concluded in 2003 Luís Moniz Pereira
- NASA - Knowledge Polishing
Started in 2001 and was concluded in 2002 Gregory Wheeler
- TRADAUT-PT - Automatic Translation System from and into Portuguese for public administration
Started in December 2000 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- PROTEIN - Improving Constraint Solving to Predict Protein Structure
Started in 2000 and was concluded in 2003 Pedro Barahona, Ludwig Kripphal, Jorge Cruz, Marco Correia
- ORLISINROC - ORLeães - Lisboa - INRIA-ROCquencourt
Started in 2000 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- OAR - Object-Oriented And-Or Tree Rewriting Systems
Started in September 1999 and was concluded in September 2001 Salvador Abreu, Lígia Ferreia
- Analysis and Synthesis of sentences in Portuguese and French
Started in 1999 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- IGM - Access to information available at OCRed reports on ore prospecting and partial integration of a full text information Retrieval System with a Geographic Information System
Started in 1999 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- NSF - Choosing Among Approaches to Probability
Started in 1999 and was concluded in 2001 Gregory Wheeler
- PGR - Selective Access to the information contained in the Opinions of the Portuguese Republic
Started in January 1998 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
- FUNDAÇÕES - Multi Agent Systems and Natural Language Processing: Foundations and Aplications
Started in January 1998 and was concluded in 2001 Gabriel Pereira Lopes
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