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Participation on completed projects
- SIIUE.sac - Universidade de Évora's Integrated Information System
Started in 2003 and was concluded in December 2006 Salvador Abreu, Vitor Nogueira
- AJACS - Yet Another Java Constraint Programming System
Started in July 2002 and was concluded in 2005 Salvador Abreu, Irene Rodrigues
- Extensions au Logiciel Libre GNU Prolog
Started in April 2002 and was concluded in May 2004 Salvador Abreu
- COOPERATIVE - Automatic Clustering and Visualization of Legal Documents in a Cooperative Information Retrieval Web System
Started in 2002 and was concluded in 2004 Paulo Miguel Quaresma, Salvador Abreu, Irene Rodrigues, Teresa Gonçalves, Gomes Saias, Luis Rosário, Luis Simões
Started in January 2000 and was concluded in 2000 Salvador Abreu, Lígia Ferreia, 2 graduate students, 4 undergraduate students
- OAR - Object-Oriented And-Or Tree Rewriting Systems
Started in September 1999 and was concluded in September 2001 Salvador Abreu, Lígia Ferreia
CENTRIA member