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Implementing Tabled Abduction in Logic Programs
September 2013
Abduction has been on the back burner in logic programming, as it can be too difficult to implement, and costly to perform, in particular if abductive solutions are not tabled. If they become tabled, then abductive solutions can be reused, even from one abductive context to another. On the other hand, current Prolog systems, with their tabling mechanisms, are mature enough to facilitate the introduction of tabling abductive solutions (tabled abduction) into them. We recently published a conception of tabled abduction with its prototype, TABDUAL, implemented in XSB Prolog. We detail here subsequent progress that has been made on the implementation aspect of TABDUAL, towards its more practical use.
In proceedings
Ari Saptawijaya, Luís Moniz Pereira
Luís Correia, Luís Paulo Reis, José Cascalho, Luís Mendes Gomes, Hélia Guerra, Pedro Cardoso
Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Local Proceedings
CMATI, Universidade dos Acores, Portugal
Export formats
Ari Saptawijaya and Luís Moniz Pereira, Implementing Tabled Abduction in Logic Programs, in: Luís Correia and Luís Paulo Reis and José Cascalho and Luís Mendes Gomes and Hélia Guerra and Pedro Cardoso (eds), Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Local Proceedings, CMATI, Universidade dos Acores, Portugal,, ISBN 978-989-95489-1-6, Pag. 548-559, (,, September 2013.
<a href="/people/members/view.php?code=3296a2fcb759ac3f30bc313a41f955bc" class="author">Ari Saptawijaya</a> and <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=6175f826202ff877fba2ad77784cb9cb" class="author">Luís Moniz Pereira</a>, <b>Implementing Tabled Abduction in Logic Programs</b>, in: Luís Correia, Luís Paulo Reis, José Cascalho, Luís Mendes Gomes, Hélia Guerra and Pedro Cardoso (eds), <u>Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Local Proceedings</u>, CMATI, Universidade dos Acores, Portugal,, ISBN 978-989-95489-1-6, Pag. 548-559, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), <i></i>, September 2013.
@inproceedings {ITA-EPIA-2013, author = {Ari Saptawijaya and Lu\'{\i}s Moniz Pereira}, editor = {Lu\'{\i}s Correia and Lu\'{\i}s Paulo Reis and Jos{\'e} Cascalho and Lu\'{\i}s Mendes Gomes and H{\'e}lia Guerra and Pedro Cardoso}, title = {Implementing Tabled Abduction in Logic Programs}, booktitle = {Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Local Proceedings}, publisher = {CMATI, Universidade dos Acores, Portugal}, address = {}, pages = {548-559}, isbn = {978-989-95489-1-6}, note = {}, url = {}, abstract = {Abduction has been on the back burner in logic programming, as it can be too difficult to implement, and costly to perform, in particular if abductive solutions are not tabled. If they become tabled, then abductive solutions can be reused, even from one abductive context to another. On the other hand, current Prolog systems, with their tabling mechanisms, are mature enough to facilitate the introduction of tabling abductive solutions (tabled abduction) into them. We recently published a conception of tabled abduction with its prototype, TABDUAL, implemented in XSB Prolog. We detail here subsequent progress that has been made on the implementation aspect of TABDUAL, towards its more practical use.}, keywords = {tabled abduction,abductive logic programming,XSB Prolog}, month = {September}, year = {2013}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
