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Modern Techniques for Constraint Solving: The CaSPER Experience
December 2010
Constraint programming is a well-known paradigm for addressing combinatorial problems. In its heart lies the constraint solver, a computer program which attempts to find a solution to these problems. This dissertation describes a set of techniques used in the implementation of a constraint solver, aiming at making it more extensible and efficient. For the two major problems addressed, generic incremental propagation and propagation of arbitrary decomposable constraints, a set of novel and correct techniques are presented, directly concerned with extensibility and efficiency. This dissertation emerged from the design and implementation of CaSPER, a generic constraint solver that acts as a proof-of-concept for the techniques and also as a platform to test many theoretically models. It also presents the first successful application of the platform for addressing the open problem of finding good heuristics for efficiently directing search towards a solution.
Ph. D. dissertation
Marco Correia
Pedro Barahona
Universidade Nova de lisboa
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Marco Correia, Modern Techniques for Constraint Solving: The CaSPER Experience, Pedro Barahona (superv.), Universidade Nova de lisboa, December 2010.
<b><a href="/people/members/view.php?code=fb427fb6c74794541c445063c270688e" class="author">Marco Correia</a></b>, <u>Modern Techniques for Constraint Solving: The CaSPER Experience</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=7e27bc13fad97e99cd21ea6914d55659" class="supervisor">Pedro Barahona</a> (superv.), Universidade Nova de lisboa, December 2010.
@phdthesis {Corr10, author = {Marco Correia}, title = {Modern Techniques for Constraint Solving: The CaSPER Experience}, school = {Universidade Nova de lisboa}, note = {Pedro Barahona (superv.); }, abstract = {Constraint programming is a well-known paradigm for addressing combinatorial problems. In its heart lies the constraint solver, a computer program which attempts to find a solution to these problems. This dissertation describes a set of techniques used in the implementation of a constraint solver, aiming at making it more extensible and efficient. For the two major problems addressed, generic incremental propagation and propagation of arbitrary decomposable constraints, a set of novel and correct techniques are presented, directly concerned with extensibility and efficiency. This dissertation emerged from the design and implementation of CaSPER, a generic constraint solver that acts as a proof-of-concept for the techniques and also as a platform to test many theoretically models. It also presents the first successful application of the platform for addressing the open problem of finding good heuristics for efficiently directing search towards a solution.}, month = {December}, year = {2010}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
