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Using GPS Logs to Identify Agronomical Activities
The chapter presents an approach for collecting and identifying the daily rounds of agronomists working in the field for a farming products company. Besides recognizing their daily movements, the approach enables the collection of data about the shape and size of land parcels belonging to the company’s clients. The work developed involved the design of spatial movement patterns for data collection through GPS logs, with minimal disruption of the agronomists’ activities. The extracting of these patterns involved place and activity extraction, with specific algorithms proposed for marking and unmarking exploration parcels. These algorithms were evaluated by field testing with very positive results.
Book chapter
Armanda Rodrigues, Carlos Viegas Damásio, José Emanuel Cunha
Joaquín Huerta, Sven Schade, Carlos Granell
Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
Springer International Publishing
Export formats
Armanda Rodrigues and Carlos Viegas Damásio and José Emanuel Cunha, Using GPS Logs to Identify Agronomical Activities, in: Joaquín Huerta and Sven Schade and Carlos Granell (eds), Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-03610-6, ISSN 1863-2246, Pag. 105-121, (, 2014.
Armanda Rodrigues, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=feecf7159d8e22c70a3bf33436444903" class="author">Carlos Viegas Damásio</a> and José Emanuel Cunha, <b>Using GPS Logs to Identify Agronomical Activities</b>, in: Joaquín Huerta, Sven Schade and Carlos Granell (eds), <u>Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place</u>, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-03610-6, ISSN 1863-2246, Pag. 105-121, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), 2014.
@incollection {AGILE2014, author = {Armanda Rodrigues and Carlos Viegas Dam{\'a}sio and Jos{\'e} Emanuel Cunha}, editor = {Joaqu\'{\i}n Huerta and Sven Schade and Carlos Granell}, title = {Using GPS Logs to Identify Agronomical Activities}, booktitle = {Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place}, series = {Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, pages = {105-121}, isbn = {978-3-319-03610-6}, issn = {1863-2246}, url = {}, abstract = {The chapter presents an approach for collecting and identifying the daily rounds of agronomists working in the field for a farming products company. Besides recognizing their daily movements, the approach enables the collection of data about the shape and size of land parcels belonging to the company’s clients. The work developed involved the design of spatial movement patterns for data collection through GPS logs, with minimal disruption of the agronomists’ activities. The extracting of these patterns involved place and activity extraction, with specific algorithms proposed for marking and unmarking exploration parcels. These algorithms were evaluated by field testing with very positive results.}, year = {2014}, }
Publication's urls

Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
