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Counterfactuals in Critical Thinking, with Application to Morality (extended abstract)
June 2015
Counterfactuals are conjectures about what would have happened, had an alternative event occurred. Counterfactual reasoning involves thoughts on what might have been, what could have happened, had some matter been different in the past. It provides lessons for the future by virtue of contemplating alternatives; it permits thought debugging; it supports a justification why different alternatives would have been worse or not better. Typical expressions are: “If only I were taller…”, “I would have passed, were it not for…”, “Even if… the same would follow”. Counterfactuals have been well studied in Linguistics, Philosophy, Physics, Ethics, Psychology, Anthropology, and Computation, but not much within Critical Thinking. We believe counterfactual thinking is worth more attention as a means to critical thinking. We illustrate this with an original application to morality, a common concern for critical thinking.
In proceedings
Luís Moniz Pereira, Ari Saptawijaya
Proceedings of Intl. Conf. MODEL-BASED REASONING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Models and Inferences: Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues (MBR'015)
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Luís Moniz Pereira and Ari Saptawijaya, Counterfactuals in Critical Thinking, with Application to Morality (extended abstract), , Proceedings of Intl. Conf. MODEL-BASED REASONING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Models and Inferences: Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues (MBR'015), (, June 2015.
<a href="/people/members/view.php?code=6175f826202ff877fba2ad77784cb9cb" class="author">Luís Moniz Pereira</a> and <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=3296a2fcb759ac3f30bc313a41f955bc" class="author">Ari Saptawijaya</a>, <b>Counterfactuals in Critical Thinking, with Application to Morality (extended abstract)</b>, <u>Proceedings of Intl. Conf. MODEL-BASED REASONING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Models and Inferences: Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues (MBR'015)</u>, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), June 2015.
@inproceedings {mbr15-counterfactual, author = {Lu\'{\i}s Moniz Pereira and Ari Saptawijaya}, title = {Counterfactuals in Critical Thinking, with Application to Morality (extended abstract)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Intl. Conf. MODEL-BASED REASONING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Models and Inferences: Logical, Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues (MBR'015)}, url = {}, abstract = {Counterfactuals are conjectures about what would have happened, had an alternative event occurred. Counterfactual reasoning involves thoughts on what might have been, what could have happened, had some matter been different in the past. It provides lessons for the future by virtue of contemplating alternatives; it permits thought debugging; it supports a justification why different alternatives would have been worse or not better. Typical expressions are: “If only I were taller…”, “I would have passed, were it not for…”, “Even if… the same would follow”. Counterfactuals have been well studied in Linguistics, Philosophy, Physics, Ethics, Psychology, Anthropology, and Computation, but not much within Critical Thinking. We believe counterfactual thinking is worth more attention as a means to critical thinking. We illustrate this with an original application to morality, a common concern for critical thinking.}, keywords = {critical thinking, counterfactual reasoning, abduction, morality}, month = {June}, year = {2015}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
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