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Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL
November 2011
WAM is an open source tool for rapid generation and maintenance of web applications for complex databases. Written in Javascript and SQL, it assumes relational modeling on the SQL (database) layer, rather than object oriented modeling on the web application (server) layer as most other tools do. This results in faster development and maintenance, as developers (who must maintain their SQL anyway...) Don't Repeat Themselves. Applications serve a business purpose, a structure, and they can do it through many forms, alternative user interfaces. Following experiments with other interface generators, over the past decade the authors (and colleagues) have created and used a web application development tool that assumes the relational model to be King, and the user interface machinery to be its servant. In other words, WAM provides a browser user interface that is a faithful player for a solid relational partiture, not a high maintenance prima dona following the web's hype du jour
In proceedings
Miguel Calejo, Mário Araújo
Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL
Lulu Publishing
Export formats
Miguel Calejo and Mário Araújo, Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL, , Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL, Lulu Publishing, USA, ISBN 978-1-105-06262-9, Pag. 176, (, November 2011.
<a href="/people/members/view.php?code=398759396d526f9c4e126d03d138d7dc" class="author">Miguel Calejo</a> and Mário Araújo, <b>Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL</b>, <u>Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL</u>, Lulu Publishing, USA, ISBN 978-1-105-06262-9, Pag. 176, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), November 2011.
@inproceedings {calejo11, author = {Miguel Calejo and M{\'a}rio Ara{\'u}jo}, title = {Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL}, booktitle = {Web Application Maker: DRYing web app development with SQL}, publisher = {Lulu Publishing}, address = {USA}, pages = {176}, isbn = {978-1-105-06262-9}, url = {}, abstract = {WAM is an open source tool for rapid generation and maintenance of web applications for complex databases. Written in Javascript and SQL, it assumes relational modeling on the SQL (database) layer, rather than object oriented modeling on the web application (server) layer as most other tools do. This results in faster development and maintenance, as developers (who must maintain their SQL anyway...) Don't Repeat Themselves. Applications serve a business purpose, a structure, and they can do it through many forms, alternative user interfaces. Following experiments with other interface generators, over the past decade the authors (and colleagues) have created and used a web application development tool that assumes the relational model to be King, and the user interface machinery to be its servant. In other words, WAM provides a browser user interface that is a faithful player for a solid relational partiture, not a high maintenance prima dona following the web's hype du jour}, keywords = {rapid development}, month = {November}, year = {2011}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
