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Abstracting concepts from text documents by using an ontology
A method for computationally visualizing and interpreting a text or corpus of texts in a taxonomy of the field is described. The method involves such stages as matching taxonomy topics and text(s) by using annotated suffix trees (ASTs), combining multiple information such as text abstracts, key-words and taxonomy cross-references, building clusters of taxonomy topics and their profiles, and lifting the profiles to higher ranks of the taxonomy hierarchy.
In proceedings
Ekaterina Cherniak, Olga Chugunova, Julia Askarova, Susana Nascimento, Boris Mirkin
D. Ignatov, S.O. Kuznetsov, J. Poelmans
First International Workshop on Concept Discovery in Unstructured Data
Export formats
Ekaterina Cherniak and Olga Chugunova and Julia Askarova and Susana Nascimento and Boris Mirkin, Abstracting concepts from text documents by using an ontology, in: D. Ignatov and S.O. Kuznetsov and J. Poelmans (eds), First International Workshop on Concept Discovery in Unstructured Data,, Vol. 757, ISSN 1613-0073, Pag. 20-30, (, 2011.
Ekaterina Cherniak, Olga Chugunova, Julia Askarova, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=4d69262d034cb8174d039bea8d970836" class="author">Susana Nascimento</a> and Boris Mirkin, <b>Abstracting concepts from text documents by using an ontology</b>, in: D. Ignatov, S.O. Kuznetsov and J. Poelmans (eds), <u>First International Workshop on Concept Discovery in Unstructured Data</u>,, Vol. 757, ISSN 1613-0073, Pag. 20-30, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), 2011.
@inproceedings {ChChNaMi11, author = {Ekaterina Cherniak and Olga Chugunova and Julia Askarova and Susana Nascimento and Boris Mirkin}, editor = {D. Ignatov and S.O. Kuznetsov and J. Poelmans}, title = {Abstracting concepts from text documents by using an ontology}, booktitle = {First International Workshop on Concept Discovery in Unstructured Data}, publisher = {}, volume = {757}, pages = {20-30}, issn = {1613-0073}, url = {}, abstract = {A method for computationally visualizing and interpreting a text or corpus of texts in a taxonomy of the field is described. The method involves such stages as matching taxonomy topics and text(s) by using annotated suffix trees (ASTs), combining multiple information such as text abstracts, key-words and taxonomy cross-references, building clusters of taxonomy topics and their profiles, and lifting the profiles to higher ranks of the taxonomy hierarchy.}, year = {2011}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
