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Segmenting personal memories
February 2011
Knowing that is important to have automatic or semi-automatic tools that aid users in the organization of their digital photo collection, this document describes an algorithm that segment a collection of photos using their creation time. It is supported by two base assumptions. The first admits a bursty nature of the shots by the photographer. This means that after a period of massive shooting, comes a period with no photos. Those empty time-slots acts as separators of events. The second assumption is that modern civilisation temporal regularities influence the creation of photos. The capture of these regularities allows an approximation to the real events. Among them, the daily cycle is subject to a special concern, with an approach never used in this context, as far as we know.
Technical report
Nuno Datia
Technical report
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Nuno Datia, Segmenting personal memories, Technical report, CENTRIA, FCT-UNL, February 2011.
Nuno Datia, <b>Segmenting personal memories</b>, Technical report, CENTRIA, FCT-UNL, February 2011.
@techreport {Datia2011, author = {Nuno Datia}, title = {Segmenting personal memories}, type= {Technical report}, institution = {CENTRIA, FCT-UNL}, abstract = {Knowing that is important to have automatic or semi-automatic tools that aid users in the organization of their digital photo collection, this document describes an algorithm that segment a collection of photos using their creation time. It is supported by two base assumptions. The first admits a bursty nature of the shots by the photographer. This means that after a period of massive shooting, comes a period with no photos. Those empty time-slots acts as separators of events. The second assumption is that modern civilisation temporal regularities influence the creation of photos. The capture of these regularities allows an approximation to the real events. Among them, the daily cycle is subject to a special concern, with an approach never used in this context, as far as we know.}, month = {February}, year = {2011}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
