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Optimização do transporte de doentes num serviço porta à porta
November 2012
Cunha 2012
... This dissertation aims at contributing to the improvement of transportation routes for the transport of patients in the area of Amadora Sintra of the Portuguese Red Cross. In this way the improvement would allow a larger number of patients to be transported with the current available resources. Thus, two different models have been proposed for the Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP) using the methodology of Constraint Programming, with distinct domains: graphs and finite (integer). The purpose of these models is to respond to a static version of DARP, with time windows, a heterogeneous fleet and concerns about quality of service. Despite its performance, the model of finite domains was able to generate interesting solutions to the CVP’s reality.
M. Sc. dissertation
Nuno Cunha
Francisco Azevedo, Isabel Gomes
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Nuno Cunha, Optimização do transporte de doentes num serviço porta à porta, Francisco Azevedo and Isabel Gomes (superv.), FCT/UNL, November 2012.
<b>Nuno Cunha</b>, <u>Optimização do transporte de doentes num serviço porta à porta</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=f260a0cb31e0c92628691f7473b16e98" class="supervisor">Francisco Azevedo</a> and Isabel Gomes (superv.), FCT/UNL, November 2012.
@mastersthesis {Cunha 2012, author = {Nuno Cunha}, title = {Optimiza\c{c}{\~a}o do transporte de doentes num servi\c{c}o porta \`a porta}, school = {FCT/UNL}, note = {Francisco Azevedo and Isabel Gomes (superv.); }, abstract = {... This dissertation aims at contributing to the improvement of transportation routes for the transport of patients in the area of Amadora Sintra of the Portuguese Red Cross. In this way the improvement would allow a larger number of patients to be transported with the current available resources. Thus, two different models have been proposed for the Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP) using the methodology of Constraint Programming, with distinct domains: graphs and finite (integer). The purpose of these models is to respond to a static version of DARP, with time windows, a heterogeneous fleet and concerns about quality of service. Despite its performance, the model of finite domains was able to generate interesting solutions to the CVP’s reality.}, month = {November}, year = {2012}, }
Publication's urls
/publications/view.php?code=Cunha 2012

Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
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