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Towards a new Generation User Help Platform: a preliminary survey of relevant fields
May 2008
An abridged survey focused on Learning Theories and Games, Intelligent Help Systems and Automatic Help Generation Systems,part of an I&D project whose main goal is to conceive and develop a new framework for rapid, semi-automatic and economic production of user help materials. In order to achieve that goal some approaches and challenges began to be studied, like accidental learning in games, the use of dynamic games and its eventual applicability to organizational application e-Learning, the use of metaphors in multi-player online games to induce users in learning by competition. The global idea of the project, revolving around an existing user interface generation tool, will also be presented
In proceedings
Alexandra Baldaque, Miguel Calejo
Proceedings of the IASK International Conference
International Association for the Scientific Knowledge
Export formats
Alexandra Baldaque and Miguel Calejo, Towards a new Generation User Help Platform: a preliminary survey of relevant fields, , Proceedings of the IASK International Conference, International Association for the Scientific Knowledge,, ISBN 978-972-99397-8-5, May 2008.
Alexandra Baldaque and <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=398759396d526f9c4e126d03d138d7dc" class="author">Miguel Calejo</a>, <b>Towards a new Generation User Help Platform: a preliminary survey of relevant fields</b>, <u>Proceedings of the IASK International Conference</u>, International Association for the Scientific Knowledge,, ISBN 978-972-99397-8-5, May 2008.
@inproceedings {??, author = {Alexandra Baldaque and Miguel Calejo}, title = {Towards a new Generation User Help Platform: a preliminary survey of relevant fields}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IASK International Conference}, publisher = {International Association for the Scientific Knowledge}, address = {}, isbn = {978-972-99397-8-5}, abstract = {An abridged survey focused on Learning Theories and Games, Intelligent Help Systems and Automatic Help Generation Systems,part of an I_amp_D project whose main goal is to conceive and develop a new framework for rapid, semi-automatic and economic production of user help materials. In order to achieve that goal some approaches and challenges began to be studied, like accidental learning in games, the use of dynamic games and its eventual applicability to organizational application e-Learning, the use of metaphors in multi-player online games to induce users in learning by competition. The global idea of the project, revolving around an existing user interface generation tool, will also be presented}, month = {May}, year = {2008}, }
Publication's urls

Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
