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An Implementation of Extended P-Log Using XASP
December 2008
We propose a new approach for implementing P-log using XASP, the interface of XSB with Smodels. By using the tabling mechanism of XSB, our system is most of the times faster than P-log. In addition, our implementation has query features not supported by P-log, as well as new set operations for domain definition.
In proceedings
Han The Anh, Carroline D. P. Kencana Ramli, Carlos Viegas Damásio
Proceedings of Logic Programming, 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Udine, Italy
Export formats
Han The Anh and Carroline D. P. Kencana Ramli and Carlos Viegas Damásio, An Implementation of Extended P-Log Using XASP, , Proceedings of Logic Programming, 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Udine, Italy, Vol. 5366, ISBN 978-3-540-89981-5, Pag. 739-743, (, December 2008.
<a href="/people/members/view.php?code=cdc7090d1f84f56c0671baa36e87bd77" class="author">Han The Anh</a>, Carroline D. P. Kencana Ramli and <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=feecf7159d8e22c70a3bf33436444903" class="author">Carlos Viegas Damásio</a>, <b>An Implementation of Extended P-Log Using XASP</b>, <u>Proceedings of Logic Programming, 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008</u>, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, <a href="" title="Link to external entity..." target="_blank" class="publisher">Springer</a>, Udine, Italy, Vol. 5366, ISBN 978-3-540-89981-5, Pag. 739-743, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), December 2008.
@inproceedings {AnhRD08:iclp, author = {Han The Anh and Carroline D. P. Kencana Ramli and Carlos Viegas Dam{\'a}sio}, title = {An Implementation of Extended P-Log Using XASP}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Logic Programming, 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Udine, Italy}, volume = {5366}, pages = {739-743}, isbn = {978-3-540-89981-5}, url = {}, abstract = {We propose a new approach for implementing P-log using XASP, the interface of XSB with Smodels. By using the tabling mechanism of XSB, our system is most of the times faster than P-log. In addition, our implementation has query features not supported by P-log, as well as new set operations for domain definition.}, month = {December}, year = {2008}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
