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Monte Carlo code for high spatial resolution ocean color simulations
D. D'Alimonte, G. Zibordi, Tamito Kajiyama, José C. Cunha
Appl. Opt.
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D. D'Alimonte and G. Zibordi and Tamito Kajiyama and José C. Cunha, Monte Carlo code for high spatial resolution ocean color simulations, Appl. Opt., Vol. 49, No. 26, Pag. 4936-4950, OSA, (, 2010.
<b>D. D'Alimonte, G. Zibordi, Tamito Kajiyama and José C. Cunha</b>, <u>Monte Carlo code for high spatial resolution ocean color simulations</u>, Appl. Opt., Vol. 49, No. 26, Pag. 4936-4950, OSA, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), 2010.
@article {dalimonte2010mc, author = {D. D'Alimonte and G. Zibordi and Tamito Kajiyama and Jos{\'e} C. Cunha}, title = {Monte Carlo code for high spatial resolution ocean color simulations}, journal = {Appl. Opt.}, publisher = {OSA}, volume = {49}, number = {26}, pages = {4936-4950}, url = {}, keywords = {Clinical applications; Functional monitoring and imaging ; Radiative transfer}, year = {2010}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
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