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Implementation of RIF-PRD
Publication date:
November 2011
The Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is a W3C Recommendation that defines a set of dialects that aim to provide interoperability between rule systems. One of these dialects is the Rule Interchange Format Production Rule Dialect (RIF-PRD), that defines a production rules language oriented towards the Semantic Web. To the date there are no complete implementations of RIF-PRD, but a first fully declarative specification of RIF-PRD based in Answer Set Programming has been proposed in ISWC 2010. In this thesis we implement RIF-PRD following that specification and develop two other implementations, one using the production rule system Jess, and a third one using the logic programming system XSB. A comparison between the three implementations follows, allowing to check on the one hand if there are benefits in using Answer Set Programming for implementing RIF-PRD and on the other hand also perceive if there are limitations to using it.
M. Sc. dissertation
Frédéric Veiga
Carlos Viegas Damásio
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
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Frédéric Veiga, Implementation of RIF-PRD, Carlos Viegas Damásio (superv.), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, November 2011.
<b>Frédéric Veiga</b>, <u>Implementation of RIF-PRD</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=feecf7159d8e22c70a3bf33436444903" class="supervisor">Carlos Viegas Damásio</a> (superv.), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, November 2011.
@mastersthesis {FVeiga:msc, author = {Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Veiga}, title = {Implementation of RIF-PRD}, school = {Faculdade de Ci{\^e}ncias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa}, note = {Carlos Viegas Dam{\'a}sio (superv.); }, abstract = {The Rule Interchange Format (RIF) is a W3C Recommendation that defines a set of dialects that aim to provide interoperability between rule systems. One of these dialects is the Rule Interchange Format Production Rule Dialect (RIF-PRD), that defines a production rules language oriented towards the Semantic Web. To the date there are no complete implementations of RIF-PRD, but a first fully declarative specification of RIF-PRD based in Answer Set Programming has been proposed in ISWC 2010. In this thesis we implement RIF-PRD following that specification and develop two other implementations, one using the production rule system Jess, and a third one using the logic programming system XSB. A comparison between the three implementations follows, allowing to check on the one hand if there are benefits in using Answer Set Programming for implementing RIF-PRD and on the other hand also perceive if there are limitations to using it.}, month = {November}, year = {2011}, }
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