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Os Problemas de Hilbert
Reinhard Kahle, Isabel Oitavem, Helena Rocha
Educação e Matemática
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Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem and Helena Rocha, Os Problemas de Hilbert, Educação e Matemática, Vol. 130, Pag. 23-27, 2014.
<b><a href="/people/members/view.php?code=2b403db3c66380c011a92d8f7831e542" class="author">Reinhard Kahle</a>, Isabel Oitavem and Helena Rocha</b>, <u>Os Problemas de Hilbert</u>, Educação e Matemática, Vol. 130, Pag. 23-27, 2014.
@article {KOR14, author = {Reinhard Kahle and Isabel Oitavem and Helena Rocha}, title = {Os Problemas de Hilbert}, journal = {Educa\c{c}{\~a}o e Matem{\'a}tica}, volume = {130}, pages = {23-27}, year = {2014}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
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