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Heuristic search for protein structure
July 2004
This thesis reports the analysis on the search algorithm PSICO (Processing Structural Information with Constraint programming and Optimisation) , an algorithm that uses constraint programming techniques for solving the protein structure determination problem from the set of pair distances collected by NMR. PSICO has shown great potential comparing to other solvers, but preliminary tests showed that its performance is highly dependent on good variable and value heuristics. This work was mainly motivated by the need to understand the effect that these and other important parameters have on search in this specific problem, aiming to improve the enumeration phase. Promising results were obtained concerning the final solution quality and algorithm robustness.
M. Sc. dissertation
Marco Correia
Pedro Barahona
New University of Lisbon
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Marco Correia, Heuristic search for protein structure, Pedro Barahona (superv.), New University of Lisbon, July 2004.
<b><a href="/people/members/view.php?code=fb427fb6c74794541c445063c270688e" class="author">Marco Correia</a></b>, <u>Heuristic search for protein structure</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=7e27bc13fad97e99cd21ea6914d55659" class="supervisor">Pedro Barahona</a> (superv.), New University of Lisbon, July 2004.
@mastersthesis {Corr04, author = {Marco Correia}, title = {Heuristic search for protein structure}, school = {New University of Lisbon}, note = {Pedro Barahona (superv.); }, abstract = {This thesis reports the analysis on the search algorithm PSICO (Processing Structural Information with Constraint programming and Optimisation) , an algorithm that uses constraint programming techniques for solving the protein structure determination problem from the set of pair distances collected by NMR. PSICO has shown great potential comparing to other solvers, but preliminary tests showed that its performance is highly dependent on good variable and value heuristics. This work was mainly motivated by the need to understand the effect that these and other important parameters have on search in this specific problem, aiming to improve the enumeration phase. Promising results were obtained concerning the final solution quality and algorithm robustness.}, month = {July}, year = {2004}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
