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An Approach to Complex Event Detection in the Web
March 2007
In this work, we present the implementation of a complex event detector for the Web. It detects composite events specified by expressions of an illustrative sublanguage of the event algebra SNOOP. This notification system was implemented as a component of the General Framework for Reactivity and Evolution in the Web [7], proposed by the Evolution and Reactivity Working Group of the REWERSE 1 project. In addition, we present a comparative analysis of some active languages and more specifically, of the event detectors used by them. The aim of this analysis was to compare different approaches for implementing such systems.
M. Sc. dissertation
Gaston Tagni
José Júlio Alferes
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Gaston Tagni, An Approach to Complex Event Detection in the Web, José Júlio Alferes (superv.), FCT/UNL, March 2007.
<b>Gaston Tagni</b>, <u>An Approach to Complex Event Detection in the Web</u>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=6c74cfdbe88c7f9522c44ebcef69c8e7" class="supervisor">José Júlio Alferes</a> (superv.), FCT/UNL, March 2007.
@mastersthesis {gaston:msc, author = {Gaston Tagni}, title = {An Approach to Complex Event Detection in the Web}, school = {FCT/UNL}, note = {Jos{\'e} J{\'u}lio Alferes (superv.); }, abstract = {In this work, we present the implementation of a complex event detector for the Web. It detects composite events specified by expressions of an illustrative sublanguage of the event algebra SNOOP. This notification system was implemented as a component of the General Framework for Reactivity and Evolution in the Web [7], proposed by the Evolution and Reactivity Working Group of the REWERSE 1 project. In addition, we present a comparative analysis of some active languages and more specifically, of the event detectors used by them. The aim of this analysis was to compare different approaches for implementing such systems.}, month = {March}, year = {2007}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
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