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Learning and Evolving Agents in User Monitoring and Training
September 2010
We propose a general vision for agents in Ambient Intelligent applications, whereby agents monitor and unintrusively train human users, and learn their patterns of behavior not only by observing and generalizing their observations, but also by “imitating” them. Agents can also learn by “imitating” other agents, when being told by them. Within this vision, agents need to evolve to take into account what they learn from or about users, and as a result of monitoring the users.
In proceedings
S. Costantini, P. Dell'Acqua, Luís Moniz Pereira, Francesca Toni
Paola Inverardi et al.
Congresso Nazionale - AICA 2010
Congresso Nazionale - AICA
Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico - AICA
Export formats
S. Costantini and P. Dell'Acqua and Luís Moniz Pereira and Francesca Toni, Learning and Evolving Agents in User Monitoring and Training, in: Paola Inverardi et al. (eds), Congresso Nazionale - AICA 2010, Congresso Nazionale - AICA, Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico - AICA,, (, September 2010.
S. Costantini, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=c3899b9bc15364381381c58d138af552" class="author">P. Dell'Acqua</a>, <a href="/people/members/view.php?code=6175f826202ff877fba2ad77784cb9cb" class="author">Luís Moniz Pereira</a> and Francesca Toni, <b>Learning and Evolving Agents in User Monitoring and Training</b>, in: Paola Inverardi et al. (eds), <u>Congresso Nazionale - AICA 2010</u>, Congresso Nazionale - AICA, Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico - AICA,, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), September 2010.
@inproceedings {LEAUMT10, author = {S. Costantini and P. Dell'Acqua and Lu\'{\i}s Moniz Pereira and Francesca Toni}, editor = {Paola Inverardi et al.}, title = {Learning and Evolving Agents in User Monitoring and Training}, booktitle = {Congresso Nazionale - AICA 2010}, series = {Congresso Nazionale - AICA}, publisher = {Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico - AICA}, address = {}, url = {}, abstract = {We propose a general vision for agents in Ambient Intelligent applications, whereby agents monitor and unintrusively train human users, and learn their patterns of behavior not only by observing and generalizing their observations, but also by “imitating” them. Agents can also learn by “imitating” other agents, when being told by them. Within this vision, agents need to evolve to take into account what they learn from or about users, and as a result of monitoring the users.}, keywords = {Learning, Agents, Monitoring, Training}, month = {September}, year = {2010}, }
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Centre for Artificial Intelligence of UNL
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
Quinta da Torre 2829-516 CAPARICA - Portugal
Tel. (+351) 21 294 8536 FAX (+351) 21 294 8541
