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A formal proof of Euler's polyhedron formula
Euler's polyhedron formula asserts for a polyhedron [i]p[/i] that [i]V[/i] - [i]E[/i] + [i]F[/i] = 2, where [i]V[/i], [i]E[/i], and [i]F[/i] are, respectively, the numbers of vertices, edges, and faces of [i]p[/i]. This paper concerns a formal proof in the MIZAR system of Euler's polyhedron formula carried out by the author. We discuss the informal proof (Poincaré's) on which the formal proof is based, the formalism in which the proof was carried out, notable features of the formalization, and related projects.
Jesse Alama
Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric
University of Białystok
Export formats
Jesse Alama, A formal proof of Euler's polyhedron formula, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, Vol. 18, No. 31, Pag. 9-23, University of Białystok, ISBN 978-83-7431-229-5, ISSN 0860-150X, (, 2009.
<b><a href="/people/members/view.php?code=d18f2a73808637adda0742073904f056" class="author">Jesse Alama</a></b>, <u>A formal proof of Euler's polyhedron formula</u>, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, Vol. 18, No. 31, Pag. 9-23, University of Białystok, ISBN 978-83-7431-229-5, ISSN 0860-150X, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), 2009.
@article {slgr-formal-proof, author = {Jesse Alama}, title = {A formal proof of Euler's polyhedron formula}, journal = {Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric}, publisher = {University of Białystok}, volume = {18}, number = {31}, pages = {9-23}, isbn = {978-83-7431-229-5}, issn = {0860-150X}, url = {}, abstract = {Euler's polyhedron formula asserts for a polyhedron [i]p[/i] that [i]V[/i] - [i]E[/i] + [i]F[/i] = 2, where [i]V[/i], [i]E[/i], and [i]F[/i] are, respectively, the numbers of vertices, edges, and faces of [i]p[/i]. This paper concerns a formal proof in the MIZAR system of Euler's polyhedron formula carried out by the author. We discuss the informal proof (Poincar{\'e}'s) on which the formal proof is based, the formalism in which the proof was carried out, notable features of the formalization, and related projects.}, year = {2009}, }
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