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EMO - A Computational Emotional State Module. Emotions and their influence on the behaviour of autonomous agents
May 2007
M. Sc. dissertation
Jimmy Esbjörnsson
Pierangelo Dell'Aqua
Linköping University
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Jimmy Esbjörnsson, EMO - A Computational Emotional State Module. Emotions and their influence on the behaviour of autonomous agents, Pierangelo Dell'Aqua (superv.), Linköping University (, May 2007.
<b>Jimmy Esbjörnsson</b>, <u>EMO - A Computational Emotional State Module. Emotions and their influence on the behaviour of autonomous agents</u>, Pierangelo Dell'Aqua (superv.), Linköping University (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), May 2007.
@mastersthesis {esbj:msc07, author = {Jimmy Esbj\"ornsson}, title = {EMO - A Computational Emotional State Module. Emotions and their influence on the behaviour of autonomous agents}, school = {Link\"oping University}, note = {Pierangelo Dell'Aqua (superv.); }, url = {}, month = {May}, year = {2007}, }
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