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On equilibrium properties of evolutionary multiplayer games with random payoff matrices
The analysis of equilibrium points in biological dynamical systems has been of great interest in a variety of mathematical approaches to biology, such as population genetics, theoretical ecology or evolutionary game theory. The maximal number of equilibria and their classification based on stability have been the primary subjects of these studies, for example in the context of two-player games with multiple strategies. Herein, we address a different question using evolutionary game theory as a tool. If the payoff matrices are drawn randomly from an arbitrary distribution, what are the probabilities of observing a certain number of (stable) equilibria? We extend the domain of previous results for the two-player framework, which corresponds to a single diploid locus in population genetics, by addressing the full complexity of multi-player games with multiple strategies ...
Han The Anh, Arne Traulsen, Chaitanya S. Gokhale
Theoretical Population Biology
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Han The Anh and Arne Traulsen and Chaitanya S. Gokhale, On equilibrium properties of evolutionary multiplayer games with random payoff matrices, Theoretical Population Biology, Elsevier, (, 2012.
<b><a href="/people/members/view.php?code=cdc7090d1f84f56c0671baa36e87bd77" class="author">Han The Anh</a>, Arne Traulsen and Chaitanya S. Gokhale</b>, <u>On equilibrium properties of evolutionary multiplayer games with random payoff matrices</u>, Theoretical Population Biology, <a href="" title="Link to external entity..." target="_blank" class="publisher">Elsevier</a>, (<a href="" target="_blank">url</a>), 2012.
@article {Hanetall2012, author = {Han The Anh and Arne Traulsen and Chaitanya S. Gokhale}, title = {On equilibrium properties of evolutionary multiplayer games with random payoff matrices}, journal = {Theoretical Population Biology}, publisher = {Elsevier}, url = {}, abstract = {The analysis of equilibrium points in biological dynamical systems has been of great interest in a variety of mathematical approaches to biology, such as population genetics, theoretical ecology or evolutionary game theory. The maximal number of equilibria and their classification based on stability have been the primary subjects of these studies, for example in the context of two-player games with multiple strategies. Herein, we address a different question using evolutionary game theory as a tool. If the payoff matrices are drawn randomly from an arbitrary distribution, what are the probabilities of observing a certain number of (stable) equilibria? We extend the domain of previous results for the two-player framework, which corresponds to a single diploid locus in population genetics, by addressing the full complexity of multi-player games with multiple strategies ...}, keywords = {Multi-player game theory; Multiple strategies; Number of equilibria; Equilibrium stability}, year = {2012}, }
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