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Journal articles
- Pedro Barahona, A Causal and Temporal Reasoning Model and Its Use in Drug Therapy Applications, Artifical Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 6, Pag. 1-27, Elsevier, 1994.

- Luís Moniz Pereira, José Júlio Alferes and Joaquim Nunes Aparício, Adding Closed World Assumptions to Well Founded Semantics (extended improved version), Theoretical Computer Science, No. 122, Pag. 49-68, 1994.

- Pedro Barahona, EPISTOL: the future of knowledge based systems and techniques for the health sector, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 45, Pag. 51-54, Elsevier, 1994.

- S. Vingtoft, M. Veloso, A. Fuglsang-Fredriksen, B. Johnsen, A. Vila, Pedro Barahona, P. Fawcett, I. Scofield, A. Ljøring, G. Otte, G. Sieben, A. Talbot, R. Liguori and W. Nix, ESTEEM (European Standardised Telematic Tool to Evaluate EMG Knowledge-Based Systems and Methods): AIM Project A2010, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 45, Pag. 61-63, Elsevier, 1994.

- F. Menezes and Pedro Barahona, Heuristics and Lookahead Integration to Solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems Efficiently, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 50, Pag. 411-426, Baltzer AG Science Publishers, 1994.
