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Papers in proceedings
- R. Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr and João Alexandre Leite, Evolving Multi-Context Systems, in: Torsten Schaub, Gerhard Friedrich and Barry O'Sullivan (eds), ECAI 2014 - 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 18-22 August 2014, Prague, Czech Republic - Including Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems ({PAIS} 2014), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, Vol. 263, ISBN 978-1-61499-418-3, Pag. 375-380, 2014.

- R. Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr and João Alexandre Leite, Evolving Bridge Rules in Evolving Multi-Context Systems, in: Nils Bulling, Leendert W. N. van der Torre, Serena Villata, Wojtek Jamroga and Wamberto Vasconcelos (eds), Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems - 15th International Workshop, CLIMA XV, Prague, Czech Republic, August 18-19, 2014. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 8624, ISBN 978-3-319-09763-3, Pag. 52-69, (url), 2014.

- R. Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr and João Alexandre Leite, On Minimal Change in Evolving Multi-Context Systems (Preliminary Report), in: S. Ellmauthaler and J. Pührer (eds), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation, ReactKnow’14, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2014, Universitat Leipzig, ISSN 1430-3701, 2014.

- Matthias Knorr, R. Gonçalves and João Alexandre Leite, On Efficient Evolving Multi-Context Systems, in: D.-N. Pham and S.-B. Park (eds), PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artificial Intelligence - 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Gold Coast, Australia, December 1-5, 2014. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 8862, Pag. 284-296, 2014.

- R. Gonçalves, Matthias Knorr and João Alexandre Leite, Towards Efficient Evolving Multi-Context Systems (Preliminary Report), in: S. Ellmauthaler and J. Pührer (eds), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation, ReactKnow’14, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2014, Universitat Leipzig, ISSN 1430-3701, 2014.

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