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Invited Sepeaker at DARC'12
Invited Sepeaker at DARC'12
João Leite is Invited Speaker at the
First Workshop on Dynamics of Argumentation, Rules and Conditionals (DARC'12)
to be held in Luxembourg, April 2-3, 2012.
About DARC
In recent years, argumentation theory has become an important topic in computer science and artificial intelligence, generating not only an impressive amount of theoretical work but also serving a growing number of practical applications. In fact, complex technical systems and services are increasingly based on autonomous artificial and human agents who have to communicate and collaborate to achieve their objectives. This involves negotiation, persuasion, and consensus-building among agents with different capabilities and viewpoint, a major issue for agreement technologies.
The understanding, modeling, and realization of these complex argumentative processes requires a dynamic, interdisciplinary perspective, which integrates and extends existing work in argumentation theory and knowledge representation. This can be done on an abstract level, inspired by the influential theory of Dung and his followers, or on an interpreted level, that is within within a specific, typically defeasible inference system. Arguments here take the form of chains or trees of conditional reasons. Relevant areas are the dynamics of rule-based reasoning, logic-programming, and default inference with conditionals, as well in the context of epistemic/doxastic as in normative reasoning.
The DARC workshop is intended to bring together people interested in the dynamics of formal argumentation understood in a broad sense, to exchange ideas, techniques, and results.
Friday, 30th of March 2012
Departamento de Informática, FCT/UNL
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