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Nove bolsas CENTRIANo âmbito do Compromisso com a Ciência (Ciência 2008), o Centro de Inteligência Artificial (CENTRIA) da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL) abre os seguintes concursos para atribuição de nove Bolsas de Integração na Investigação (BII):Referência: BII/CENTRIA/1/AGObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Multi-agent communication in ASPIn the AI area of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) there are several formal languages for representing and reasoning about dynamic domains (a dynamic domain is for example an environment that is modified by the actions of an agent or robot). In particular, there are a number of "Action Languages" which have translations into logic programs with Answer Set Semantics (ASP). In this project, the student will work on extending an action language with facilities for multi-agent communication, possibly following the standardized Agent Communication Language (FIPA-ACL) from the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents. Orientador: Alfredo Gabaldon, Investigador do CENTRIA, ag@di.fct.unl.pt Referência: BII/CENTRIA/2/AGObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Temporal Logic Constraints in dynamic LPIn the AI area of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) there are several formal languages for representing and reasoning about dynamic domains (a dynamic domain is for example an environment that is modified by the actions of an agent or robot). In particular, there are logic programming formalizations of dynamic systems specified with action languages. There is also a formalism called dynamic logic programming developed at CENTRIA. In this project, the student will develop and implement algorithms for enforcing temporal logic constraints in dynamic logic programs using techniques from online software verification. Orientador: Alfredo Gabaldon, Investigador do CENTRIA, ag@di.fct.unl.pt Referência: BII/CENTRIA/3/LKObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Molecular GraphicsThis project will familiarize the student with some tools and problems in molecular graphics. The main task of this project will be the implementation of a graphics library, to be integrated in Chemera, providing a range of graphical elements useful for displaying atoms, bonds, molecules, physical properties and complex data generated by structure and docking simulations. The basis for this work will be an open-source generic library (preferably OGRE [2]). The objective, at the end of the project, will be to have a functional library providing a set of graphical elements that can be further extended and for the student to become acquainted with the problems of representing complex biochemical information. [1] http://centria.fct.unl.pt/~ludi/chemera/index.html [2] http://www.ogre3d.org Orientador: Ludwig Krippahl, Investigador do CENTRIA, Professor Auxiliar do DI/FCT/UNL, ludi@di.fct.unl.pt Referência: BII/CENTRIA/4/LKObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Modelling biochemical dynamic systemsThis project will focus on the application of numerical integration algorithms to modeling processes such as electrochemical reactions end enzyme kinetics. The core of the project will be the implementation of modeling tools and direct interaction with experimental data. The goal is to familiarize the student with real-life problems in data processing and with scientific calculations, more specifically solving ordinary and partial differential equations (ODE and PDE, respectively) systems. Depending on the student's interests, the task may involve either the implementation of a basic solver or the use of more sophisticated open source solvers. Orientador: Ludwig Krippahl, Investigador do CENTRIA, Professor Auxiliar do DI/FCT/UNL, ludi@di.fct.unl.pt. Referência: BII/CENTRIA/5/LKObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Propagating Angular ConstraintsThis project will focus on the implementation of propagation algorithms for angular constraints on rigid groups of points. The main application of these algorithms will be the modeling of protein structures, and the algorithm itself is described in [1]. The goal is to introduce the student to geometric constraint propagation and its application to protein structure calculations, both the theory and practical implementation issues such as the integration with enumeration heuristics. [1] Krippahl, L, Barahona P, Propagating N-ary Rigid-Body Constraints, (2003). Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP'2003 (Procs.), LNCS, vol. 2833, Springer, pp. 452-465, 2003. Orientador: Ludwig Krippahl, Investigador do CENTRIA, Professor Auxiliar do DI/FCT/UNL, ludi@di.fct.unl. Referência: BII/CENTRIA/6/JLObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Resource Allocation with ASPResource allocation is the problem of appropriately distributing resources among entities which have preferences over alternative allocations. Recently, in [1], Answer-Set Programming (ASP) was used to provide modular, declarative, sound and complete solutions to several different multi-agent resource allocation problems. In this project we aim to develop a web based implementation to facilitate the experimentation with the ASP based approach to solve these problems. [1] J. Leite, J. Alferes, and B. Mito. Resource allocation with answer-set programming. Procs of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), Budapest, Hungary, May 10-15 2009. Orientador: João Leite, Investigador do CENTRIA, Professor Auxiliar do DI/FCT/UNL, jleite@di.fct.unl.pt. Referência: BII/CENTRIA/7/RKObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Title: Universal Prover InterfaceCase studies about implementation of mathematical proofs in different interactive proof systems, within the ESF funded LogICCC project DIFOS “Dialogical Foundation of Semantics”. Implementations of mathematical proofs should be tested with respect to their “intertranslatability” between different proof systems. The research is integrated in activities of the mentioned project which explore the possibility to implement an universal prover interface. The grant holder should contribute with a well-defined case study for a single mathematical proof in one or two proof systems. Orientador: Reinhard Kahle, Investigador do CENTRIA, Professor Auxiliar do DM/FCT/UNL, kahle@fct.unl.pt. Referência: BII/CENTRIA/8/SPAObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Spatio-Temporally-Aware Declarative Agents (STADA)The goal of this project is to participate in the design and implementation of an architecture of simple context-aware agents, in which context is understood to be both spatial and temporal. In this simple architecture, each agent receives perceptions from and acts on the environment. Each action is a spatio-temporally dependent inference over the agent knowledge base. The development of this framework will rely heavily upon declarative tools, namely Temporal Contextual Logic Programming (TCxLP) and Spatial-Yap. Orientador: Salvador Abreu / Vitor Nogueira, Investigadores do CENTRIA, Un. Évora, spa@di.uevora.pt. Referência: BII/CENTRIA/9/PBObjecto da actividade (em Inglês): Interface and Programming with Constraint Solver CasperA constraint solver library, Casper [1], is being developed at the CENTRIA, for efficient solving of constraint solving problems with different domains, namely finite domains. Like other similar solver libraries, the solver is written in C++, and does not offer a simple interface for users. The goal of this scholarship is twofold: a) we expect the student to become familiar with Casper, by modelling some constraint problems and analysing the different options that may affect performance; b) it should help with the development of an interface to Casper, that allows the high-level specification of these options and the required data structures. [1] http://proteina.di.fct.unl.pt/casper/ Orientador: Pedro Barahona, Investigador do CENTRIA, Professor Catedrático do DI/FCT/UNL, pb@di.fct.unl.pt. Mais informações
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