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Papers in proceedings
- Jorge Cruz and Pedro Barahona, An Interval Constraint Approach to Handle Parametric Ordinary Differential Equations for Decision Support, in: J. Jaffar (eds), Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP'99, Springer, Vol. LNCS 1713, Pag. 478-479, 1999.
- Ludwig Krippahl and Pedro Barahona, Applying Constraint Propagation to Protein Structure Determination, in: J. Jaffar (eds), Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP'99, Springer, Vol. LNCS 1713, Pag. 289-302, 1999.
- V. J. Rocio, M. A. Alves, Gabriel Pereira Lopes, M. F. Xavier and G. Vicente, Automated creation of a partially syntactially annotated corpus of Medieval Portuguese using Contemporary Portuguese resources, in: Laurent Roussarie (eds), ATALA workshop on Treebanks (Journees ATALA sur les corpus annotes pour la syntaxe), Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, Pag. 59-67, 1999.
- Michael Móra, Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Hélder Coelho and R. Viccari, BDI Models and Systems: reducing the gap, in: Jorg P. Muller, Munindar P. Singh and Anad S. Rao (eds), Agents V, Springer, Vol. LNAI 1555, 1999.
- P. Froehlich, I. Móra, W. Nejdl and M. Schroeder, Diagnosis Agents for Distributed Systems, in: J. J. Meyer and P.Y. Schobbens (eds), Formal Models of Agents, LNAI, Springer, Vol. 1760, Pag. 173-186, 1999.
- J. F. Silva and Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Extracting Multiword Terms from Document Collections, VExTAL: Venezia per il Trattamento Automatico delle Lingue, 1999.
- Jorge Cruz and Pedro Barahona, Handling Differential Equations with Constraints for Decision Support, in: Héléne Kirtchner and Christophe Ringeissen (eds), Frontiers of Combining Systems - FroCoS 2000, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Vol. 1794, Pag. 105-120, 1999.
- G. Dias, S. Vintar, S. Guilloré and Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Identifying and integrating terminologically relevant multi-word units in the IJS-ELAN Slovene- English Parallel Corpus, in: Paola Monachesi (eds), Resumos das Comunicções ao Encontro Computational Linguistics in Netherlands, Pag. 16, 1999.
- Jorge Cruz, Pedro Barahona and F. Benhamou, Integrating Deep Biomedical Models into Medical Decision Support Systems: An Interval Constraint Approach, in: Aalborg, W. Horn, Y. Shahar, G. Lindberg, S. Andreassen and J. Wyatt (eds), Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making, Springer, Vol. LNAI, Pag. 185-194, 1999.
- G. Dias, S. Guilloré and Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Language Independent Automatic Acquisition of rigid Multiword Units from Unrestricted Text Corpora, in: Pascal Amsili and Phileppe Blache (eds), 6th. Annual conference on Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN99), Pag. 333-338, poster, 1999.